Chapter 53: Did Someone Say Bear

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Thursday, May twenty-fifth. T minus one day before the May Jamboree. There are so many things to discuss concerning the overnight adventure, so Mary had a sit down with her brother-in-law. He came over for lunch, which she ordered from the restaurant. He picked it up on his way. When he arrived at the Brown household, Lydia greeted him at the door. 

"Hi, Uncle Johnny. Are you ready for tomorrow?" she asked him. She, herself, has been ready since Monday. Her bags have been packed since then. 

Oh, the jamboree thing. He groaned silently, then answered. "As ready as a beaver whose house got flooded." He wishes life came with a 30-second trailer, so he can see what he's getting himself into.

"You're silly Uncle Johnny," she told him while laughing. She ran off to play.

He saw his sister-in-law from afar and walked into the kitchen. "I bring food." He held up the bag. "And beer." He held up the other bag. "But you can't have a beer. So more for me."  He's going to need it to get through this jamboree talk.

Having already fed the girls lunch, Mary opened the bags and inhaled. Everything smells delicious. She took out the food and placed it on the counter. After handing Johnny a plate, she spooned a heaping portion of the blueberry chicken salad onto her own. Then she grabbed some chips and went to sit at the table.

Johnny followed her lead. He fixed his plate and did the same. Wouldn't you know it? Right at the time she was going to take a bite, one of the twins woke up. "I'll be back. You can start eating without me" she stated as she stood. 

Being hungry, he took the salt bottle and continuously shook it all over his food. He felt it rude to eat the main dish without her, so he ate some of the chips instead. Mary returned holding Rhett. "This little guy wanted to be up with us," she informed him. She sat with Rhett in an up position, in her lap. He sucked on his pacifier and eyed his uncle.

Looking at the little man in her arms, he stated "That little man looks just like his father."

"He does, doesn't he? Rhett's a cutie. Aren't you Pumpkin?" She kissed her baby on the head.

They ate their lunch and talked. Mary started their talk by explaining the Jamboree. "Tomorrow you're leading the Troop on the overnight, camping exercise. First, you meet up as a whole Nature Girl's group at the campsite. You'll all camp out together, tomorrow night. Then Saturday morning you'll lead the girls through the wilderness nature expedition. Your goal is to capture as many arrows as possible, on the marked nature route."

Stopping her he asked a question. "This survival expedition, how will we know what to do? What is the expedition all about?"

"Great question. At the team leader's meeting tomorrow afternoon, you'll be given a map, a compass, and a walkie-talkie. Each troop has a different marked map. On the map are certain checkpoints. At each checkpoint is an arrow you have to retrieve. The first team back to base wins. But regardless of winning, if the Swallow's collect all of the team's arrows, they'll receive pins for their vests. Does that answer your question?" She hopes so. 

Man this event... out in the wilderness with a group of first and second-grade girls. Just what he's always wanted to do with his life. "Yeah, I guess." He returned to eating his food.

"Well good. Bobby and I will be there for the final sprint to the finish line. The other troop parents will too. Who are you bringing with you, to be your assistant?" Please say, Lori. Please say, Lori.

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