Chapter 78: Christmas Time Is Here

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The day after Thanksgiving saw the wives leave the men at home with the children. They're going to take in the bustle of the sales, shopping for Christmas presents. At six in the morning, which is way too early for anyone to be up, all the women met at the Brown house. Later in the day, their husbands and kids are coming over to spend time together.

Mary had awoken at five, to start getting ready and to get Rhodes up. He needs to be changed and fed before she leaves. Rhodes was the first stop. When she peered over the side of the crib the baby boy was already awake. He was just lying there looking around, sucking on his hand. When he saw his Mama, a smile appeared and his feet began kicking up a storm. 

The minute she picked him up, he laid his little head on her chest. For as much as he loves attention, he equally loves to cuddle. He's like his father in that regard. After she fed him, he was still wide awake. So she took him into the bedroom with her and laid him next to his father, who was still fully asleep. But that didn't stop Rhodes. He rolled over and his little hand caught his father's arm, which he began patting. 

This woke Bobby up. He saw his son looking up at him, with his head raised. A sleepy Bobby took him and put him on his chest. Rhodes laid his head down and sucked on his fingers again. When Mary exited the bathroom, after having put on her makeup and styling her hair, she saw father and son cuddled together. Both were asleep. It was a great photo opportunity. Which she seized by taking her camera out of the nightstand drawer.

Then she proceeded to get dressed in black leggings, a black and white leopard print sweater, and black boots. In the kitchen, she took the Christmas lists off the counter. It seems like there are a million things she needs to buy today. Grace and Lydia basically want clothes and girly stuff. But the twins, of course, want toys: a Furby, Polly Pocket, Bop It, a Razor scooter, Harry Potter anything, and lots of Legos top their wish list. Some of those may be sold out and she refuses to traipse all over everywhere, this Christmas, looking for a Furby. Not this year.

She went back to the bedroom to get her coat and scarf. They're lying on a chair close to the window. Before she could take them, Bobby spoke. With a groggy voice, he said "There's an envelope on top of the dresser. I put cash inside it. It's for you to spend on yourself. You haven't done that in a long time. It's usually for the kids or the house or me." 

How thoughtful! She took the envelope and put it inside her purse. Today she's carrying her crossbody satchel. All hands and arms need to be free. 

Bobby saw she pocketed it without looking inside. "You're not going to see how much is in there?"

She shook her head no. "No. Whatever you decide is fine. It's more than plenty." His hand stretched out to her. Walking over to him, she leaned down and gave him a kiss. "Thank you for being so thoughtful. Love you."

Looking at his wife, he told her "I love you too, always." Then he asked, "Are you sure you don't want to take this one with you?"

Her hand brushed over their baby's head. "I'm sure. He'll get fussy with all of the loud sounds overly stimulating sights. Plus if I get stressed by some meanspirited woman snatching a toy away, then he'll pick up on that too. Just make sure he takes a good nap later, after lunch." Hearing cars drive up, she gave Bobby a final kiss and said "Have fun with your friends today." He nodded and waved bye.

Mary put on her coat and scarf then left the bedroom. Taking her purse, she grabbed the Christmas lists and car keys from the kitchen counter. She and Ashley are driving their SUVs. They need all the room they can get for gifts and between the five of them, it's going to be a lot of kiddie loot. 

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