Chapter 6: A Beeper Story

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December and January passed much too quickly and quietly. Christmas brought more baby gifts. After opening gift after gift, for the baby, Mary grew sadder and sadder. All of her gifts were baby stuff. Hello?! She's still alive! What about her?

 Only one person remembered her, for her alone. That, of course, is her affectionate husband. Bobby bought her three gift certificates, all to clothing stores. He said "After the baby is born you'll need to buy new clothes. I thought you could use these, then." She smothered him in kisses.

 As if the gift certificates weren't enough, he also gave her a card with an appointment to Prim and Polished. He thought she could use some pampering. Little did he know, she was going to pamper him with love in the afternoon... and the night... and the morning. He was in Christmas bliss. 

New Year's brought a boring night, of Mary falling asleep at nine o'clock. She didn't even ring in the new year. Welcome, 1988. And welcome, new semester of college. When all of her friends registered for classes, she had a case of the sads. For the first time since never, she is not going to school. It feels weird not having to get up in the mornings and learn. While most people would love that, she did not. She loves learning. She loves being around people. Now she's a shut-in. Blah!

In order to keep herself connected, she followed a rabbit trail idea. Bobby has insisted she stay off her feet this final month. When Dr. Hernandez told her not to do too much, and to rest, Bobby heard the words "do nothing". He's been mother henning her to death. 

Finally, she had enough one day. She turned to her husband and asked "Would you like to follow me into the bathroom and set me on the toilet?" He left her alone after that. But she did promise him she wouldn't try to drive anywhere, herself.

On the day her husband, and friends, registered for classes, she ordered a town car. The car drove her to On Pointe (her old ballet studio). Madame Irina was thrilled to see one of her favorite students. Mary spoke with her about helping to instruct one of her classes. Madame Irina bubbled with delight. "Mary zat would be wonderful," she said with her Russian accent. 

She offered for Mary to teach all of the listed tap classes. They're three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) from three to six o'clock. She would teach Madame's itty bitty class (three and four-year-old), beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes. Mary died! As much as she loved pointe, tap is her joy. 

Madame even insisted on a salary. "How would thirty thousand a year be?" First of all, Mary would have been happy to do it for free. Second of all, any salary would have been fine. It's not like they "need" the money. They're blessed to both have trust funds, from wealthy families. So, thirty thousand is icing on the cake. It's basically the equivalent of a young professional starting out. She accepted Madame's offer on spot and signed a contract. 

They discussed when Mary would start. Mary said she could start now. She's pregnant, not invalid. Madame Irina disagreed, as she's a mother herself. She told Mary she could work with the itty bitty's until she delivered. Then after a maternity leave of ten weeks (although Mary said she could start sooner since classes were in the afternoon) she could start for good. This would give her Spring, and Summer, recitals to teach for. 

When she told Bobby her happy news, he beamed a bright smile at her. She could see his worry, for her, fade away. But when she told him about her salary, he practically fainted. He was so relieved and happy, that even her clothing allowance grew substantially. 

She saw his face and knew he was hoping for some "fun". That idea was shot down immediately. "Bobby I love you and you're handsome, but I'm too pregnant for that kind of fun right now." He understood, and made plans for fun after she gave birth.

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