Chapter 41: Stop It

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In late April, during the final three weeks of the new house renovations, Mary was urged to stay away. Bobby and Mr. Raymond wanted it to be a surprise. But even Bobby was instructed not to stop by. When his father does surprises, he does them BIG.

However, Mr. Raymond promised if anything went wrong during those final weeks, he'd call them firsthand. Then, and only then, would they be allowed to see the inside. Unfortunately for Mary, nothing went wrong. She sat chomping at the bit to just swing by. What's the harm of taking a little peek? Temptation beckoned her like a moth to a flame, especially from Gemma.

She hired her friend to style the interior. With Gemma's help and stylistic vision, the decor will look amazing. But then even she got in on Mr. Raymond's no "stopping by" rule. Except for Gemma, it's "no peeking". Which is like a Medieval form of torture. 

Some of the design packages were delivered to their current house, while the majority were delivered to the new one. There are a lot of things Mary knows about, but there are some things purchased she doesn't. When an oversized box arrived, one day, she ran to the junk drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors. She stood by ready to cut it open. It's practically begging her too! At the last minute, Grace started to cry out. Saved by the baby. 

One afternoon, Gemma came by to lay claim to some of the current pieces of furniture. Mary grew even antsier. The suspense is starting to kill her.

"Just one little peek Gem. It won't hurt a thing," she begged her dear design friend.

Gemma came prepared for this. She knows Mary like she knows the back of her hand. Mary has no self-control when it comes to "stuff", or shopping, or sweets. So instead she told her, slapping her hand away from a package, "No you may not peek! But you can come with me to the fabric store. We need to purchase some for your curtains and furniture items I want to get reupholstered."

Feeling a tad deflated, Mary perked up at the thoughts of beautiful curtains. The two of them drove off to Sew Fab Fabrics, a huge fabric clearance house outside of Malibu. At the store, Mary chose a gorgeous ikat mineral fabric with soft grey, coral, mustard, and teal hues for the living room. In the kitchen, she chose a soft blue botanical print with colorful blooms and butterflies on it. This will look good with the grey-blue paint she chose, for that space. 

Yards and yards of new fabric were chosen, for every room including the girl's rooms upstairs. The only room giving her trouble was the master bedroom. She knew she wanted something with blue and grey tones as well (which is a running theme throughout the house, but in varying shades). Pops of color would be added into the rooms with wall art and decor. 

Gemma directed her attention to some nice toile fabrics. However, she really didn't want any of that kind. The right fabric is there somewhere. It has be with all of these yards of fabric wall to wall. She'll know it when she sees it. Walking up and down row after colorful row, picking through cloth after cloth her attention started to fade. 

Until faster than you can say fabracadabra, there it is. The perfect mix of blue, dove grey, and off-white. Another ikat patterned print was purchased. Happy with all of the choices, Mary's excitement grew. Then something amazing happened! Gemma took her to this new store called Pottery Barn. Why has she never known about this place? Why has Gemma been keeping it a secret from her? WHY?!! 

If Heaven were a store, this would be it. Like the call of the sirens luring sailors to their death, so is the call of Pottery Barn to Mary Margaret Brown. Her husband will be mourning the death of money in their bank account. Turning to her friend, she asked "We're here for what exactly?"

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