Chapter 15: Fast Cars

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Thanksgiving approached, and the word of Johnny and Lori's wedding delay traveled fast. They decided to delay until Spring Break, the last week of March. Half of her Bridesmaids are on crutches, and half of his Best Men aren't speaking. This is the best decision until all could be well again. But would it be well?

Ashley and Dutch still haven't told, the rest of the friends, their baby news. However, they did share their elopement. "What the hell!" Johnny had said. He shouted like he didn't think they would elope. Why is he surprised by this? Tommy was just as upset. How could his friend do this? They should all have been a part of the wedding. "We should have at least been there to support you! You... You... Big dummy!" He railed. 

Mary sat laughing. She called this ages ago. "Oh I love it when I talk and no listens. It reminds me of growing up, in the big house." Everyone turned and stared at her. "What? It's true. I told you all months ago, this would be the route they take. It's totally unconventional like them. None of you listened to me. Not even my dear husband." She patted his leg while he sat there looking offended.

The aches and pains of the accident were becoming less and less, as the weeks moved on. The tenderness of the bruised ribs is basically nonexistent now. Her sprained wrist and foot were healed too. All that's left to fully mend are her broken toes and her broken left arm. 

Although, she's been very mischievous when Bobby's away at his work. She takes the foot boot off and "walks" around the house without it. It's SO much more comfortable. When she hears his car engine, she dashes to put it back on. What's the harm? He'll never know and it's not like it's hurting him. Besides she takes it off to sleep. But good gracious, if he ever found out she did this while he's away... well that's a whole other story. 

Regardless of her remaining infirmities to heal, her husband is extremely happy she's mended. Their extracurricular activities have resumed, in full. The minute they returned home after a checkup, he didn't wait. He picked up and threw her over his shoulder, like a caveman. Then gently deposited her onto their comfy bed. Before anything could happen, she reached her hand up and gently ran it along his jawline. 

"In the middle of all the chaos, there you are holding steady and anchored to our love. How difficult it must have been for you to carry all of that worry and concern, on your tough shoulders. I'm so in love with you Robert, you still give me butterflies. You're everything I never knew I wanted, but needed." Her words spoke the language of his heart and his heart is full of love for her. His words could not express it, so he let his actions speak. He loved her all afternoon and if they happened to make a baby, then so be it. 

In mid-December, Bobby asked his wife "What do you want for Christmas?" She brushed it off at first. Then as the week drug on, she came to him one morning. He had the day off, as he needed a brain break. She found him sitting on the sofa, so she made her home in his lap.

"Do you remember how you asked what I wanted for Christmas?" He nodded. "I kind of know. It's several things actually. First, on the fateful day of the accident, I bought new clothes. They were all ruined. So I'd really like some new things for myself. I haven't purchased anything since then and when I do it's all for Lydia."

He rested his head on her shoulder, inhaled her calming rose scent, then lifted it up. "If you want clothes we can go now. I'll buy the whole store if it makes you happy." He hoped she would see it as a joke and not literally. Buying the whole store would make his chest ache. 

"You're funny Bobby. I love you, but you would never buy me that many clothes willingly. Although I'll take you up on the offer of taking me today." She patted his cheek. Despite having her paycheck, for clothes buying purposes, it would be nice to have him go with her. About two weeks after the accident, she resumed her dance classes. Madame scolded her and insisted she take another week off. Having grown tired of being cooped up, Mary refused. 

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