Chapter 20: Have Hope

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Before Mary found out she is pregnant, in December, both Ashley and Gwen gave birth. Ashley welcomed a handsome baby boy into the world. Dutch did not welcome anything, as he passed out during the delivery. He left his wife angry at him, for having done so. As she was pushing the baby out of her lady parts, she screamed "YOU BIG DUMMY! You did this to me and NOW you faint!"

After she gave birth, and Dutch recovered, they took one look at their baby and fell in love. Dutch could not believe he helped make something so perfect. He usually messes everything up, but... this is beyond words. It's everything! They decided to name him Jed, Jed Dutch Williams. 

At the beginning of December, Gwen also gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was an easy delivery, and she was happy to report Jimmy did not pass out. Although he did get on her last remaining nerves. She was cranky, achy, and ready to have the baby come out. Jimmy kept asking over and over if she's OK, every time she had a contraction. Gwen finally had enough and shouted "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" He did and everything went fine after that.

When their baby was placed in Gwen's arms, all the trouble they went through before him seemed to vanish. They cried happy tears of joy and relief. They have each other and they finally have their baby. They have everything, except a name. Spending days tossing names around, they landed on the name Luke. So, Luke James Lawson became loved by everyone he met. 

Everything is right in the Cobra world. Baby snakes are everywhere. In mid-December Mary found out she's pregnant again. This has been a long six months coming. The first few months, she didn't think anything about it. Knowing these things take time, she brushed it off. But then as the months seemed to pass by, and still no baby, she began to worry. Although she never mentioned it to Bobby. 

Finally, it happened. When she found out she cried and jumped for joy. Then she grabbed Lydia and flew out the door to the main house. She found the person she needed in the kitchen. "Verbena can you bake me a plate of peanut butter cookies?" she asked. Of course, Verbena said "Yes". Mary stated, "I need them before Bobby gets home. They're for him and part of a special surprise." Verbena told her she'd have them ready by three-thirty. 

After that Mary and Lydia returned home. She wrote out a message to her husband and put it in a frame. Now comes the hard part, waiting until he gets home. With her daughter sitting on her lap, playing paddy cake, she told her "Lydia we have to wait until Dada gets home to tell him the happy news. We have to be patient." Her Love Bug giggled and Mary tickled her. She kept laughing and laughing. She's such a happy little girl. Then a fabulous idea popped into her mother's head!

Strapping Lydia into her car seat, Mary drove into town. Having parked outside of Jack & Jill (a children's boutique), the elated mother to be unstrapped Lydia and put her in the stroller. They went inside the darling shop. Clothes lined shelves and racks, for children aged newborn to five years. Precious, precious, precious. 

Looking through rack after rack, Mary's great idea was turning into a poor one. All she wants is a T-shirt that says "Big Sister", or something like it. Is that too much to ask for? She continued her search in a different section but found nothing except more cute things for Lydia. Tons of new pretty dresses and rompers will go home with them today. Before packing it up and going home, she examined one last shelf. There it is, the perfect T-shirt. It could not get any sweeter! With a white ruffled hem, and pink embroidery that says "Big Sister". Lydia will be a great addition to her big reveal idea!

Upon purchasing practically the whole store, Lydia and her Mom made another stop on their journey in town. They stopped at the bakery, where Mary bought a big cinnamon bear claw. Who can resist a doughy pastry goodness bursting with cinnamon, sugar, butter, and icing? Yummy! She'd been craving one all day. In fact, she bought two dozen of them, all for herself. She figured this way she could eat on them all week long.

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