Chapter 27: God Made Girls

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After her words sunk in, Bobby did in fact freak out. His stomach fluttered. His legs almost buckled. His heart is thumping so loud he's certain everyone around him can hear it. "What do you mean you've been in labor since Roaring Rapids?!" he part asked part shouted. By now the nurse had located a security guard and they approached.

As calmly as she could, she explained things to her husband. "My water broke then."

Running a hand through his hair multiple times, he said "But that was almost two hours ago now." His brain is failing him. He can't seem to formulate a plan, much less a thought beyond Crap!

She handed him some of her water. He looks like he could use it more than her. "I know Babe. But don't worry. I went to the nurse station and phoned Tommy. He's on his way and is going to escort the three girls (who rode with us) back to the church. I figured one of the non-driving chaperones can ride with him. That will free us up to go to the hospital." She backed up because the look on his face is panicky. As long as he doesn't faint, like Dutch, everything will be fine.

He needed to sit down, but there isn't a place. What just happened? He recounted the pieces of events out loud. "Water... Broke... Here... No!" They scheduled the C-section for next week, not today. Why is his throat dry and when did his shirt become tight? Is he having a heart attack?

At this rate, she's going to have to drive both herself and him, to the hospital. Grabbing his arm, Mary began to lead him to the front. Their group of students followed. She motioned to Anna, a smart-thinking Senior. 

When Anna came beside her, she began telling the girl what needs to happen. "Anna I'm in labor and I need to go to the hospital. Bobby will obviously come along with me. I've called for our friend Tommy to pick us up, as his office is closer to this area. He will drive Susie, Connie, and Francis back to the church, with one of the other chaperones. I need you to please help locate the other students in our youth group. This kind nurse here will take you to the information desk, to help find them. Can you please help me with this task?"

"Of course Ms. Mary. You can count on me. We'll all follow the nurse as you said. I'll be praying everything goes well with your delivery." She hugged Mary and left with the nurse, the other students trailing behind. 

Turning to the security guard, she explained the situation. He told them he will follow them to the entrance and let their friend inside. After that, Mary practically drug her husband to the entrance. Checking her watch, she noticed it's been almost thirty minutes. If she knows Tommy, as she does, then he should either be here waiting or almost here but close. She told him to meet at the entry. 

As they reached the park's main entrance, she scanned the people for her friend. There he is standing by the gate! Thank goodness. She pulled Bobby by his hand, walking over to him. "Tommy I'm SO glad you're here. This security guard is going to let you in. He'll take you to the information desk, where the students will gather." 

Tommy stared at Bobby, who looks out of it. He looked at Mary. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the hospital? This guy is not looking so well." He pointed his finger at his friend.

Swiveling on her heel, she took a glance at her husband. "Earth to Bobby. Will you be OK driving me to the hospital or do I need to call for an ambulance?"

He huffed. "I'm a little freaked out by what happened, but I'm fine. I can drive you myself. I'm not incompetent you know," he told them both. Sure he's still freaked out, but he's calming down now. As long as he doesn't think about how his wife will have a C-section and his baby will be taken away for surgery... He began rubbing his neck.

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