Character 19: Possibilities And Timing

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Graduation marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. The world is wide open with many possibilities. Thousands of opportunities and possibilities lie ahead, every day. With hard work, determination, and a little imagination anything is possible. 

Mary began the day bright and early. She woke up before Bobby, and even Lydia, to get the day started. It's a special day for her husband and her friends. After completing her morning routine, she took Bobby's suit over to Winifred, at the main house. Winnie does the laundry and most of the cleaning. 

With suit in hand, she gave it to Winnie to press. Then she grabbed breakfast from Verbena and carried it back to her house. Being almost seven-thirty, Lydia is sure to be up soon. Going to check on her daughter, she was greeted with a happy, smiling, little girl and the words "Mama hi!"  

Picking her up, her Love Bug greeted her with a good morning kiss. She couldn't help but beam a happy smile in return. Then she took Lydia to the changing table and cleaned her off. Keeping her in her floral pajamas, Lydia was carried to her high chair for breakfast. She was served a plate of cut-up fruit and cut-up muffins. Lydia loves fruit and carbs! 

While her young toddler is happily munching on her breakfast, Mary fed herself a breakfast smoothie. She has too much to do this morning to sit and eat. Pulling out her notepad, she reviewed the items on today's list. Press Bobby's suit, arrive at Stanford no later than ten o'clock,  leave Bobby to take seats at ten thirty, go to graduation lunch at in-law's, graduation party at Johnny's. All things considered, today should be a great day! 

In the bedroom, Bobby rolled over and didn't feel his wife next to him. He groaned and checked the clock. It read eight thirty-six. He needed to get the move on. Sighing as he got out of bed, he trudged his way to the kitchen. Lydia greeted him with a happy "Daddy hi". Bending down he kissed her cheek. She put her sticky hands on his face. He kissed those too. 

Greeting him with a kiss of her own, Mary asked him to watch their daughter. Before she rushed off to get dressed, Mary told him "I put your breakfast in the stove to keep it warm." He retrieved it and sat to eat. Father and daughter ate breakfast together. He watched his little one eat her food, little hands shoving it into her mouth. Then and there he decided to speak with Mary about having another one. 

Putting his plate in the sink, he took Lydia's empty plate and did the same. Unhooking her from the high chair, he took his one-year-old into the bedroom with him. They laid on the bed, watching TV, while Mary got ready. She poked her head out of the bathroom, "Hey Babe, Winnie has your suit pressed. Peter shined your shoes. If you want to put Lydia in her playpen you can go get them." 

Did he want to put her in there? No, but if he took her with him chances are the suit would get wrinkled again. With the toddler in her playpen, he brought back his freshly pressed suit and shined shoes. He noticed his wife had finished getting ready and admired the view. Hot, red jumpsuit sure to attract many eyes including his own. Brown hair down, in flowing waves. She looks sultry and ravishingly beautiful. 

So he told her. "You look like a Hot Mama." Then he felt giddy as she smiled at him. How is it her smiles can still make him feel like a freshman in high school?

"Thanks, Babe." She came to stand in front of him and combed through his wild morning hair with her fingers. "You need to get dressed or we'll be late." After giving him a much too short of kiss (in Bobby's opinion) she went to dress Lydia.

She decked Lydia out in an adorable peach, coral, pink, and yellow floral sundress. It has fluttery cap sleeves and smocking at the top. She has matching bloomers to go with it, along with a coral hair bow. It's too precious for words. Their little girl needed to look pretty, for her daddy's special day. 

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