Chapter 34: Lessons From The Bold And The Ugly

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In the days following, the incident with the contractor, Bobby called his father. The two met for lunch one afternoon. They discussed what happened.

"Well, Son that sucks. I'm so very sorry that scumbag did what he did to Mary. But I'm thankful it wasn't more than what it was. It could have been a whole lot worse." Raymond Brown acknowledged the incident but is relieved to know his daughter-in-law is safe. Those karate lessons came in handy. 

Bobby agreed with his father. "That's true. She's acting weird though. I've noticed that any time she leaves the house, she wears these baggy sweaters. But that's only if she's going to be around people she doesn't know. And she's also kind of maudlin, not really herself. To be honest, I'm a little bit worried about her."

Swallowing done his steak, Raymond responded. "More than likely she's still shaken up. She's probably trying to protect herself the best way she can. For her, that's watching how she dresses. In her mind, she most likely thinks how she was dressed had something to do with how she was treated. You and I know it's not true. A true scumbag is going to find ways to disrespect women no matter what. Give her some time and I'm sure she'll come around." 

He hopes she'll bounce back. However, she's had a lot on her shoulders. First with the whole pregnancy, then the birth, now this. That's a lot for one person to bear. What she needs is rest, real rest away from children, with her husband. 

"True. Dad, I'm also concerned about our house. This is going to set us weeks behind. After I fired them, I don't know who to use. What do you think?" Bobby asked.

Now for the other can of worms. "Make no mistake, I'm not using or recommending that company ever again. I don't want my own business associated with ill-repute." No Sir. He built his construction business from the ground up. There's no way he's going to let some scumbag, and stupid manager, ruin his good name and company ratings. 

Tapping his fingers on the tablecloth, his father continued speaking. "As for who to use, I have some thoughts on that. I think in this case it's important to hire someone you trust, especially where Mary is concerned. Now I can give you some more renovation business names, or I can have my own company do it." He saw his son's eyebrows raise. 

He held up a hand. "I know what you're thinking. True, I've never cared to be in the renovation business and I still don't. However, this one time I'm going to make an exception. You're my son and she's my daughter. You do for family. Just because we've never renovated homes, doesn't mean my men don't know what they're doing. They are a great group of capable workers. Come over to dinner, with us tonight, and bring me your plans. I'll go through them again and share them with one of my leads." 

Aghast, and not believing what he heard, Bobby remarked "Are you serious? You'll help us out?" His father gave him a thumbs up. "Wow! I don't know what to say. Thanks, Dad. This really means a lot. We'll be there tonight for sure. Just tell me how much I owe you. We were going to be out one hundred grand with the other company. If you want that much we'll pay it." He massaged the back of his neck.

Now it's his father's turn to be dumbfounded. "One hundred K? That's a rip-off, Bobby. No, you're not going to pay me that much. The job you have should cost at least eighty thousand. If I gave you my friends and family discount, it would bring it down to sixty. However, you're my flesh and blood. So, pay me forty and we'll call it even."

"Dad—-" His father cut him off. "No! I don't want to hear anything of it. Forty thousand and that's final," Raymond said. "Now let's talk about your sister's. They're driving me nuts, especially Samantha away at college."

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