Chapter 36: Real Life

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After the self-defense classes, Mary felt so encouraged. Her relationship with Bobby is strong as ever. They've set aside time for a dedicated date night. Every Friday night, like clockwork, they go to either La Cucina or The Spice Kitchen. Their date nights are nice. It allows them time alone to catch up on things, they may have missed during the week. Bobby says, "We should have started this a long time ago." Mary agrees, but you live and learn. 

True to his word he continued working with her on kicks and punches. He says she's getting stronger and quicker. Also, tried to teach her vehicle maintenance again. It did not go well. Mary thought it was dirty and gross, and pretty much tuned out everything he said. He became frustrated because she wasn't listening, and came to the same conclusion Mary already knew. Which is... "Why should I have to learn this, when I can go to the dealership? My SUV isn't even that old anyway." If he had thought it through, it would have saved time and patience.   

Their new house is coming along nicely, thanks to Mr. Steve's leadership. If all goes to plan, they can move in at the end of April or the beginning of May. Bobby's Dad told them, looked like a long job is actually quite easy (if you know what you're doing). Which the crew does. With the knocked-down walls, the open space is so much more inviting. The other walls were painted the Seasalt color and the new flooring was started.

Mr. Steve had hoped to have the wood flooring completed by the end of the week, but Mary threw a wrench into the plans. She came by and looked at the floor and made a decision. "Would it be possible to lay the wood in a herringbone pattern? I think that would make the floors pop and add interest." So, they took the floor up and laid it to her new specifications. This delayed them by two days. Once the flooring is finished they will lay the tile in the bathrooms and kitchen, as well as retile the backsplash in both rooms. They will also retile the master bathroom shower.

The blueberry project is gaining speed too. Ms. Katie and she received assistance from a local horticulturist, whom they contacted after speaking with Aunt Kitty. The horticulturist agreed with the pruning of the bushes in February, which is coming up soon. He told them that if they do this then, with the number of bushes they have, they can expect a very good harvest indeed. 

Both women got to work hiring three workers. Their three workers, seasoned farmhands, cleared out the overgrowth and mowed the grass around the field. This is several weeks' worth of work. Then their farmhands will undertake an advantageous project. Mary and Ms. Katie are excited about this. 

After much research and discussion with other horticulturists, and local farmers, a "tailwater recovery system" will be utilized. It's the first of its kind in the area. Mary's scientific mind, along with their horticulturist, designed the system. Two ponds, near the field, will be dug. The ponds are an essential aspect of the method. They will serve as irrigation for the berries. 

Their horticulturist, Mr. Evans, is so excited about the tailwater project that he's told all his horticulture aficionados. This resulted in the publications Horticulture Today, Farm Fresh, and Garden Monthly wanting to produce articles about the innovative project. Due to this, Ms. Katie informed Mary they need a name for their blueberry farm. 

"Oh, Oh!! I've got it." Mary exclaimed with an excited voice. "Like a play on my name, let's call it Merry Berry's. The Merry Berry Farm. What do you think?" Her mother-in-law gave her approval, as did her husband. Their farm name also became incorporated for business. Which is a whole other interesting story, ending with Mary popping open a bottle of champagne saying "We're in business Babe". And so The Merry Berry Farm became featured in those three major magazines.

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