Chapter 46: Kid Drama

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Sixteen weeks have passed since the day Bobby fainted (when he found out about the twins). Mary occasionally will tease him about it. "Bobby, you went down in history that day. The day you fainted. So tough, but twins made you succumb and be a member of the Fainting Club. But at least it wasn't in the delivery like Dutch, Johnny, and Tommy."

 His eyes will narrow at her afterward and he'll tell her "No carob, or cookies, or brownies or chips for you." Then he'll hold them over her head, or place them on a high shelf (cause she's shorter and pregnant) where she can't reach them. It's mean but funny. 

One time when he did it, she put her hands on her hips and stated "That's just cruel and low Robert. Really low of you."

Not being able to help himself, he said "No. It's high Mary. Really high." She huffed and waddled out of the room as fast as she can, due to the growth of the baby bump. 

That's one thing both of them can't believe... the size of her bump. They've been tracking the bump growth week-by-week. Every Wednesday they pull out the camera and take pictures. Then, because it's a Polaroid instant camera, they compare the twin bump to when she was pregnant with Lydia. Being their first baby, they took week-by-week pictures at that time too.

The comparison is startling. It's almost as startling as the day they told their daughters about the pregnancy. They came into this with a game plan. It was going to be a simple talk. "You're mother is having a new baby, two of them actually. Aren't you excited to have two new brothers or sisters?" Then the girls would squeal and act all animated and happy like seals with a fish. They felt totally prepared for the new baby conversation.

Sitting the girls down on the sofa, they told them their mother is pregnant. It went well until Grace became concerned. 

"What's wrong Baby?" Mary asked her youngest. She has this horrific look on her face. Bobby saw the look too and immediately began to think she's upset, about not being the youngest anymore.

Grace started crying. "Mommy the baby's in your tummy." She pointed her little finger at it. Mary shook her head yes. "Why did you eat the baby?" Tears poured down her face. 

Nope, totally not prepared for that one. Before either of her parents could say anything, Lydia opened her mouth. "No Gracie. Didn't you hear Daddy? Mommy is having two babies." She held up two fingers and looked proud.

However, this only made things worse. "You ate two babies? I so sad now. You ate our babies. Mommy why? Why you eat our babies?" One hand went to her cheek and the other ran through her hair. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. So like her father, who happened to grab her up. 

Bobby explained things to his Cuddle Bug. "No, no Grace. Mommy didn't eat the babies. They're in there growing, inside of Mommy. That's why her tummy is big, understand?" She shook her head and wiped at her eyes.

They thought that was all of this discussion, but they were wrong. Lydia asked, "How did the babies get in Mommy's tummy?"

This is not going well. Not at all what they expected in their minds. Bobby's eyes grew large with surprise and his voice left him. Lucky for him his wife has this covered. Taking their oldest by the hand, she placed her tiny hand on the baby bump. "Well, Bug, how do you think they got in there?"

Lydia thought for a moment. Then her face lit up. She said with an excited voice "I think they come from the Cabbage Patch." 

But Grace disagreed with her older sister. "No. Come from a magic jelly bean." 

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