Chapter 24: A Bit Of Grace

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The month of February proved hectic. Firstly Lydia began preschool. For the big day, Mary woke up early and got everything ready. She had purchased her baby a cute My Little Pony Lunchbox, for the morning snack. She even got her a matching backpack, which she stuffed full of pull-ups (since potty training has begun) and an extra change of clothes (just in case). 

School started at eight, so she woke Lydia up at seven. This wasn't too far off of her normal wake-up time of seven-thirty. She dressed her daughter in a cream sweater with fruit stitched around it (strawberries, cherries, pineapples, and peaches). It's super cute! Then came the elastic waist jeans and gold MaryJane's for shoes. She added a red bow to her hair. Once dressed Mary took a picture of her daughter, with her Polaroid instant camera. This will go in her baby book titled First Day of Preschool.

Since this was a big day in the life of their family, Pastor Scott allowed Bobby to come in later. The plan is to take both Mary and Lydia to the preschool. They will drop off their daughter together. His mother warned him Mary will most likely cry, so be prepared. She also told him Lydia may cry and not want to leave them too. 

He ran several scenarios through his head. However, none of them prepared him for the actual event. They loaded Lydia into the Cruiser and drove off to Precious Moments. From there they took her out and walked into the front office. A prettier family could not be found. The Browns are a great family. The preschool is proud to have them, be a part of the Precious community. 

Ms. June met them at the door and ushered them to Ms. Tasha's two-year-old room. Upon introduction, Mary presented Ms. Tasha with cellophane-wrapped cookies courtesy of Verbena. Bobby had been holding Lydia, but she squirmed to get down. "Down peas," she said. He let her down and she took off to a group of girls playing with dolls. Mary noticed one of the girls is her friend Tess. Apprehension filled her heart. A million what if's ran through her mind, but more than anything she hoped her Love Bug would be welcomed.

Ms. Tasha assured the nervous mother everything will be fine. Bobby handed her Lydia's backpack and told her that his office is in the main church building, should anything happen. The kind teacher took the bag and offered the parents words of comfort, as Ms. June motioned for them to follow her back to the front. "It's best we don't linger, especially since Lydia separated easily," she told the couple.

Bobby informed her he'd be the one to pick their child up. He decided he could spend his lunch break eating at home, with his family. When discussing who would drop off and who would pick up, they divided the weeks. One week he would take and pick her up, then the following week Mary would. It seems like a good plan.

His wife held his hand all the way to the SUV. She was quiet the whole drive back to the house. Then once inside she took one look around and concluded it's much too quiet and clean. She bent down to pick up Lydia's brown stuffed bunny with floppy ears. "I think we should go get her. She might be wondering where we are and why we left. What if she's crying and upset?" 

She turned like she wanted to rush out of the door. Bobby stilled her with his embrace. His wife began to cry, as his mother had warned. So he just held her and let her cry. "Our baby is in school. Now I don't have anyone to talk to," she sobbed on his shirt.

Leading her to the sofa, he pulled her down his lap. "Not true. You have this baby." He put his hand on her growing bump. "Plus Lydia's only gone half a day, for three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). So you'll see her soon." He nuzzled her neck and gave her an Eskimo kiss.

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