Chapter 12: Miracles Part 1

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The day after Halloween, Mary rushed her film to Grand Pharmacy to be developed. Her baby's first Halloween was phenomenal. Therefore, she just had to have her pictures as soon as possible! When she and Bobby spoke about Halloween costumes, they decided to do a family costume theme. He told her he didn't care what they went as, just tell him what to wear. So, they went as The Flintstones. Bobby was Fred, she was Wilma, and Lydia was Pebbles. Liddy has enough hair now to put it up in a "Pebbles hairdo". As a family, they looked cute together. She was pleased with how the outfits turned out.

For Halloween evening, the Brown Family attended the church Fall Festival. Since Bobby is interning, and sort of on church staff (as an assistant youth minister) part of his duties is to attend. He was put in charge of purchasing prizes for the youth festival booths. The youth group ran three this year: Go Fish, Dunk Tank, and Ducks On The Pond. 

Somehow, during the event, her husband wound up in the dunk tank. The youth and children lined up to dunk "Mr. Bobby". She snapped picture after picture of him and then joined in the fun, herself. She threw ball after ball and would miss each time. Annoyance mounted as he'd talk smack. "Sweetie you throw like a girl. Even a T-ball player could aim better" he'd say. 

Finally growing tired of missing and hearing his taunts, she walked up to the target and smacked it hard with her hand. Down he went into the freezing cold water! Bobby shouted out with a teasing voice, "Just wait until we get home. You're going to get it." She made a face at him, as she walked away.

As for herself, she volunteered to work in the candy apple booth. It's the best of both worlds... apples and candy coating. Since the booth ladies knew she was bringing Lydia, she only had to work an hour. All the ladies gushed over her sweet baby girl. They said things like, "She's a cutie pie doll" or "Have you ever seen such a happy, calm baby". This is true. Lydia is happy and calm. She obviously gets it from her father. Bobby is one of the calmest people she knows.

After dropping her film off, she drove over to Gwen's. The two of them were going to shop for pregnancy clothes. Gwen is super excited about the baby. She's got that pregnancy glow about her. Mary can't wait to help her choose cute maternity outfits. 

This afternoon is going to be fun. Shopping and girl talk is the best. She wanted to take Lydia on the shopping trip too, but her little girl has been fussy all morning long. When Mary went to pick her up, from playing, she shook her little head no and cried. So Lydia was left with her husband, who apparently has the magic touch. He picked her up and bounced her around the room, as she nodded off to sleep. How nice... she gets the fussy baby, he gets the sleepy one. 

While she's with Gwen, the guys are coming over to their house. Ever since the one afternoon in August, Tommy has been more distant. Bobby knew she's right, with the more distant he's become. She was in the room when he called his aloof and invited him over. 

Bobby told her he hesitated at first but then agreed to hang out. She was super happy about that. If does show up, she knows her husband will try to talk some sense into him. When speaking with Gemma, her friend said it's as she suspected. He's feeling left behind. They've talked about marriage, but they both agree not right now. 

When she pulled into Jimmy and Gwen's driveway, Gwen dashed out the door ready to meet her. Getting inside the Jeep, her jubilant friend said "OK, we have to go to Lord and Taylor. I heard they have a great selection of maternity outfits." 

Mary nodded. "They do. I bought most of mine from there, and also Macy's. We'll go to both. Plus I really want to use one of my Christmas gift cards. Seriously, I haven't gone clothes shopping for myself in forever. If I buy anything it's usually for Lydia. She grows so much, that I have to buy tons of outfits for her frequently." She doesn't mind. Shopping for her daughter is exciting. Plus the little girl clothes are precious. Sometimes the kid's clothes are cuter than the adult's. 

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