Chapter 65: Falling

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By the end of 1997, Ashley gave birth to baby Axl. He's almost the spitting image of his father, but much calmer. The next two years went by quickly. No new babies were added to the group, outside of Axl. His older brother Jed is turning into a very handsome young man. He is very much his father's son, complete with the same charismatic personality. Although while Dutch can be a bit too over the top, Jed is a milder version.  

In terms of looks, Jed looks like a younger version of Johnny. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, and his muscles beginning to fill out his frame. At twelve and in seventh grade, girls have started noticing him. His mother worries he's going to be a heartbreaker, but his father tries to assure her. "Honey, he's too clueless to be a heartbreaker. Besides, I think he has eyes for only one girl." He is, he's oblivious to the passing looks of girls. But... 

It would be reasonable to think, that since they attend the same school, are the same age, and are in the same grade Jed would have young feelings for Lydia Brown. She's a very attractive, popular girl. Her sandy blonde hair and blue eyes make most of the boys, in her grade, turn their heads. However, Jed has his eyes on a different girl. 

Although she isn't his age, isn't even in middle school yet, and doesn't attend his school, the girl he likes is Lydia's sister. Grace is a beauty in her own right. Her personality is sweeter, she's quieter, and just all-around more considerate of people. However because she's ten, he'll keep this to himself. The only person who knows anything is his father, and he's not telling.

At home, Mary has a little more free time with the twins in half-day Pre-K. When they started school two months ago, she bawled her eyes out. "My babies are all in school now," she told Bobby as they dropped them off. Her twins are the most adorable things. Even at age four she still tries to match their outfits. 

For the first day of school, Rebecca wore this really pretty floral sundress. It has bright bold colors on it like turquoise blue, coral, magenta, hot pink, bright purple, and neon orange. The frilly skirt underneath the dress is a pea-green color. Her shoes are gold with hot pink bows on top. In her brown hair, she wore a headband of flowers (the same colors as her dress). 

Rhett wore khaki shorts and a reddish-pink button-down shirt. The shirt kind of matches his sister. His sister is his best friend. They do everything together from playing to making mischief. The meaning of two peas in a pod relates to them. When he was invited to a play date with Ben, from his Sunday School class, he asked his mother "Can Becca come?" When she said no, Rhett said no too. This works both ways. 

The twins get along great, with each other. But when you break them apart and add other kids into the mix, that's when it gets tricky. This is a huge concern for Mary and Bobby. While they love the fact that at least two of their children get along, they get along too well. They are an exclusive club that doesn't accept outside memberships. Which is really irritating when their mother is chastised by other mothers. 

"Your little girl wouldn't play with my daughter,"  or "Your little girl called my boy a name. She told Chris, No I don't want to play with you dumb boy", or "Your little boy didn't want to play with mine. I told Ted to be nice and share his toy with Rhett. But Rhett didn't want to play with him. I don't understand your twins." 

In Mary's mind, anytime she hears something like this, she instantly thinks you're right. No one will understand twins unless you have twins. Twins come with a built-in friend. In the formative years, they see their twin all the time. Therefore they don't need to play with anyone else. It's frustrating but it is what it is. 

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