Chapter 72: Fireworks

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It started at 2 am, Monday, July third. The labor pains began with a flurry of restlessness and an achy back. She didn't want to wake Bobby. He's sleeping so soundly and, more times than not, he's grumpy if woken up early. So this leaves two options on the table. 

One, do nothing and lie as still as possible on the bed. However, the delivery could go quicker than with the twins. Neither she nor Bobby, are equipped to deliver at home. Two, wake her husband and have him take her to the hospital. Dr. Li would meet them there if she's not on vacation. If she is on vacation, then Dr. Steve Thomas would deliver (as Dr. Li mentioned). Bobby would just have to get over another man seeing her lady parts. 

But as she kept laying there, the discomfort grew. She has a long way to go still because the contractions are super far apart. Finally, at 4 am no longer could she stand it. Taking matters into her hands, she shook her husband awake. He didn't stir. Her fingers poked him in the side, but he still didn't move. Alright then. Taking a pillow, she bopped him with it. 

He woke then and sat straight up. "I'm up. I'm up. What is it? And why'd you hit me with a pillow?" he asked with a tired voice. Never has she hit him with a pillow before. 

He's a little irritated at that, especially since he was having a good dream. The two of them were on the beach, on a blanket, there was wine involved. Clothes were strewn across the sand, beside them. Just as he was about to, well... It was all so sexy, sexy!

With a calm voice, she told him "Bobby I'm in labor. I want to go to the hospital. I need drugs. Understand?"

The word labor got him in motion. He jumped out of the bed, turned on the lights, and pulled on the first pair of pants he could find. They don't fit! Why aren't they fitting? His wife started laughing. Looking down he noticed he had put on her leggings. Crap. They look awful on him. He took them off and tossed them to her. 

Once the right pants were on, as well as a T-shirt, he started to gather his wife's overnight bag. While she dressed, he cleaned up the place where the water broke and phoned his parents. To say they were expecting a call at 4 am is an understatement. However, they told him they'd be over in about fifteen minutes. 

During the wait for his parents, the two of them went through the new nursery one last time. Rhodes's sweet jungle room. Rhett helped to design it. The two of them, mother and son, had fun together. Although there's something new in the room. On the crib, wrapped around the top, is a plush python. Of course, her son would do that, along with putting the plush alligator under the crib. Its mouth is sticking out and open.

About the time they finished the nursery inventory, his parents knocked on the door. As soon as they let them in, his father went to lie down on the sofa. Mary handed her mother-in-law a list, detailing which kid goes where. Lydia needs to be taken to West Valley High for cheer tryouts. Grace goes to horse riding lessons, for the day, and the twins go to day camp, at the church. 

When the kids were sorted out, Bobby ushered his wife into the truck. At the end of June, the car seat has been placed in the back, as a precaution. He threw her overnight in the back too and drove them to the hospital. 

On the way, Mary begged him to take her to a drive-thru. She does not want to eat hospital breakfast food. With it now almost five-thirty in the morning, the fast-food places should be offering breakfast. Bobby stopped at McDonald's to place a breakfast order. He agrees hospital breakfast food is the pits. 

At the hospital, they checked in and had Mary put in a private room. Then they waited for the doctor to come to visit. Hoping it's Dr. Li, and she's not on vacation, was faulty thinking. Dr. Thomas walked in. Instant annoyance wafted over Bobby like a sick perfume. 

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