Chapter 45: Here We Go Again

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Six weeks later brought Mary to her second doctor's appointment. She's using Lori's doctor this time. Her sister sang the praises of Dr. Li, saying "She's so gracious and kind Mary. Plus she prays over you at each appointment and even before labor. It was so refreshing. Even when Johnny passed out during Robbie's delivery, she was right there at my lady parts cheering me on. You should definitely use her."

Her sister is a great judge of character, so if Lori gives her stamp of approval then this lady must be good. And she is. Both Mama Brown and Daddy Brown felt at ease and encouraged by Dr. Li. On the first visit, she reviewed Mary's history and asked about Grace's condition. Mary thought it was because she was going to say it's hereditary, but she was wrong. 

Dr. Li wanted to know because she cared. When Mary told her what all the doctors before Dr. Sherman told her, it set Dr. Li off. She started muttering in her Asian tongue. It did not sound pleasant. When Dr. Li finally spoke she said, "Of all the nerve telling an upset expectant mother to abort her baby. Why it's doctors like them who give us good ones a bad name. I've dealt with moms who have had conditions similar to Grace's before. But I've sent them elsewhere for care, with doctors who specialize. I wish you had been my patient then."

So did Mary, and Bobby, who couldn't make today's appointment with her. It's Tuesday and Tuesday is when he makes his juvenile detention center visits. When asked why he does it, he says "They're still kids and they need the Lord too, as well as someone who cares." So he goes and passes out tracts, leads a Bible study, and prays with them. 

While Mary went to the check-up, Mama Kate stayed at the farm. She's overseeing the baking production for the store. Once Grace is finished with her half-day Pre-K class, Grammy will pick her up. Mary is ever so thankful Pre-K is offered as either half or full-day, at Precious Moments. A full day is not an option, as Grace has huge separation anxiety. 

Bobby's counseling skills seem to sometimes go out the window, with his own children. His heart breaks for his baby. First her heart condition, now separation anxiety. But he's trying to work through it with her. She's SO heavily bonded to her mother, that he worries how she'll react to a new baby. He hopes she'll take it well.

At the six-week appointment, being a third-timer at this now, Mary cannot wait to hear the heartbeat.  The heartbeat is always special to hear, even if it sounds a little different like Grace's. After checking in, she sat in a chair in the pleasantly decorated waiting room. Reaching into her tote, she pulled out her copy of Soap Opera Weekly. 

Every afternoon, she still tapes her favorite soap General Hospital. Lately, their whole BJ and Maxie storyline has hit home with her. With Maxie's fatal heart condition she has been on the edge of her seat, glued to the TV. The whole thing has made her cry, more than once, especially as she thinks of her own Amazing Grace.

But then when her cousin BJ died in the bus accident, oh dear Lord. Once it was determined Barbara Jean's heart was a match for Maxie, well she was a useless wreck for days. She even took the day of the heart transplant off. Her nerves couldn't take dealing with people. Even after the episode ended, Bobby had to peel her off the sofa. Her tears soaked the cushions.

And now she's sitting here reading about the triangle of Sonny, Brenda, and Jax. That Jax, oh my is he swoon-worthy or what? May Bobby never find out, or it will be like Blackie Perrish (aka John Stamos) all over again.

Hearing her name called to come back, Mary put her soap mag back into her tote. She followed the nurse into an exam room, where she was given a gown. Changing into the gown, she waited on the table reading her magazine. 

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