Chapter 9: Found

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Bobby arrived at home a little after three. He didn't see his wife's Jeep in the driveway. When he entered his house it was quiet, much too quiet. Neither of his girls is there. Where could they be? She didn't mention she needed to go anywhere, after dropping him off. Trying hard to tamp his nerves down, he went to the main house. 

Opening the door and stepping inside, he found a pleasant face. Verbena greeted him happy and cheerful as always. When he asked about his baby girl, she directed him to the Aunt's quarters. Confused he walked upstairs and found Lydia with her AuntGranny's. Her sweet little face brightened the minute her eyes saw him. He couldn't help but smile, as Aunt Kitty handed her to him.

Once ensconced safely in his arms, he needed to find his other girl. He had to question them both, but it had to be worded in such a way they wouldn't worry. So, he did the best he could. "Mary had to go somewhere after dropping me off, at the car dealership. Have you heard from her lately?" he wanted to know. 

They said they hadn't seen her since she dropped Lydia off earlier. Saying goodbye, he controlled the urge to dash out of the room and run down the stairs. Instead, he walk-ran all the way into his house and put his baby in her playpen. She didn't like that. She would much rather be held by him and made her wishes known immediately by crying. 

Trying not to freak out, by his crying daughter and his missing wife, he ran to Lydia's room. Taking Mary's baby sling, he put it on. Then he went to the playpen and put his unhappy baby inside. She stopped fussing almost immediately. 

Crisis averted, he called Johnny first to inquire after his absent wife. With a negative response, he then asked if he and Lori could come over to watch Lydia. While he waited on Johnny, he called the rest of their shared friends. No one had seen her. Walking around the room, he ran a hand through his hair. 

Before being well and truly panicked, he dialed his mother. Maybe Mary went there since she constantly seeks her out for advice. When Samantha answered, he told her to go get Mom. He didn't have time to waste on his silly sister. Every minute felt like an hour. But his eardrum burst when she shouted "MOOOOOM!!"

Ms. Katie answered the phone. "Bobby, what's going on?" She listened to him tell her his worry. She could see this coming a mile away since she did the same thing with Sarah. She asked him a series of questions, which at first sounded strange. "Has Mary lost interest in daily activities? Has she been weepy? What about cranky? Does she sleep and can she stay asleep? Does she try to do everything herself? Has she accepted help? And Bobby, I know this is awkward, but has she not wanted to engage in extracurricular loving activities?"

He answered each question honestly, even the one about "loving activities". His mother responded with an answer which chilled his bones. "Son I knew she had postpartum depression way back at Lydia's celebration cookout. We talked about it and I told her to tell her doctor. Apparently, she didn't and it's gotten worse. She needs to see her doctor and get treated for it. And you have to understand Robert, she's not in her right mind. All these things are not about you, son. It's the postpartum talking. Be patient and compassionate with her. It's not an easy thing to go through."

After hanging up he ran a shaky hand over his face. He remembered reading about PPD in one of his classes. They even had a round table discussion on it. Some of the actions of the women who have had it made him want to fall apart. He hoped he could find his wife before she did something terrible. He refused to think about if she has already done something awful. His heart is broken, for her. Why didn't he see this? Why didn't he understand what she's going through?

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