Chapter 51: Happiness Happens

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Now nine weeks old, the twins are even cuter (if that's possible). Their eyes are open more often now, as they stay awake longer. Plus they're curious about everything, especially each other. It's funny. People think the two of them have known each other all along. The truth is, they have both been in their own little bubbles. They haven't known each other, despite cute pictures of hugging. Now that curiosity has taken over, they are aware of everything. 

One day, Mary was playing with them during tummy time. Their eyes follow her everywhere. It's odd to think four eyes are always watching her, except when they sleep. As she did with Grace, a lot of talking out loud happens. She tells them about anything and everything that comes to her mind.

The best is when she makes animal noises. It's hilarious because Rhett's eyes get SO big, at the different sounds. He's a much more calm baby than his sister. She's always kicking her feet or trying to grab something. Rhett just kind of lays there. 

Rebecca loves it when she's tickled. She's all smiles. They both are, actually. They are happy babies and not really "cry-babies". She and Bobby are so thankful for that! An example of this is when she says "Good morning" to them. They smile at her. 

But on this day, during tummy time the twins "played" with each other. They're more into discovering color now too. With the play gym above them, Rebecca bopped a green fish hanging down with her hand. Rhett didn't like that, so he bopped a red one. Rebecca didn't like that either. It's almost like they are fussing, with each other, about red and green. This continued until they both started crying. At which point Rhett became hungry and started sucking on his sister's head.

After feeding, and putting them both down for a nap, Mary folded laundry. It's amazing how much laundry one accumulates with twins. Not to mention the diapers, 125 diapers a week. Insane! This is Bobby's biggest complaint, "But I just bought diapers last week!" He forgets there's two of them, sometimes. 

Folding laundry, and watching One Life To Live, is part of her usual routine now. Today her routine was interrupted by her mother-in-law. Ms. Katie came over, sat down, and started folding the laundry too. Sometimes they'll have planning sessions during times like this. Currently, though, she just wanted to talk.

"How are the twins?" she asked. She thinks they are the cutest babies, and always finds ways to show their pictures to anyone. 

Tucking Bobby's socks into each other, Mary stated "Asleep. I just put them down. But they're good. Today Rhett sucked his sister's head, cause he was hungry." She chuckled at the memory.

So did Ms. Katie. "Oh my. How cute! He looks so much like Bobby."

Mary agrees with that. He does look like his father. He has his father's facial structure, blue eyes, nose, and so far sandy brown hair. As always Bobby states "I just hope they don't have my teeth." He had those fixed in ninth grade.

"He does look like him. He'll be a little heartbreaker, just like his dad," Mary told her.

Ms. Katie stopped folding and looked at her daughter-in-law. Curious she questioned her. "Heartbreaker? What makes you say that?"

Interesting. "Oh, just because Bobby's so handsome. I'm sure he had tons of girls swarming all over him before me, especially in middle school, the birthplace of hormones." She can picture all the girls following him around wanting a date.

Chuckling to herself, his mother disagreed. "It's funny you think that because it could not be further from the truth. Bobby had a hard time in middle school." How she remembers that time period of his life. It was not pleasant.

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