Chapter 7: Pain Does Not Exist In This...

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Around ten-thirty, Bobby's parents showed up. Entering the room, they found their son sitting behind his wife (with his legs around her massaging) her back and shoulders. They also discovered Johnny holding his watch. Apparently, he's timing the contractions, while Jimmy sat observing the whole scene. 

"We're here," Mr. Raymond announced to the room. He went to stand by Bobby, then said "We had to wait for the babysitter to come over. Took her sweet time she did. Needless to say, she won't be getting a generous tip this job." He rested a hand on his son's shoulder. Bobby placed his head on his Dad's hand, then lifted it up and refocused on his wife.

Ms. Katie raced over to the left side of the bed, closest to the window. Johnny moved his chair to make room for her. She held a cool, comforting hand to Mary's sweaty forehead. "How are you? How far along are the contractions now?" Examining her daughter-in-law, she discovered Mary seemed knackered out. How well she understands, having done this three times herself. The first baby is usually the hardest to deliver.

"Her contractions are eight minutes apart now. She came into the hospital at thirteen apart," Johnny stated with authority. After answering, he went back to keeping track of the time. 

Her mother-in-law nodded along. "That's good. However, I hate to tell you this, you have a long way to go still. You're just going to have to do whatever you can to take your mind off of things. It's easier said than done. Is your personal doctor here?" She hoped Mary's OB-GYN is on call.

"Ms. Katie I'm so glad you're here! I'm tired and I ache all over. The contractions are so strong, and I fear they're probably going to get worse before I actually deliver. I've told Bobby, in no uncertain words, all I want is the drugs! And yes, Dr. Hernandez is here. She's been popping in and out, checking on me." Mary tried to relax into Bobby's massage, but the only relief will be when this little girl comes out.

Just then a new contraction hit her, hard and furious. Mary hugged her bump and tried to breathe, but all she did was yell "EEEEYYAAAAAA!!!" When it ended she settled back into Bobby's embrace. Ms. Katie gave her a piece of ice to suck on, as the room door opened.

"We're here!" Dutch broadcasted with a loud voice. Ashley, Gwen, Gemma, and Tommy entered behind him. He surveyed the room. Bobby's where he should be, as are his parents. Johnny's holding his watch doing something, but Jimmy is sitting off by the window holding his head in his hands. What is going on? He walked over to Johnny.

Pointing at Jimmy, he asked, "What's wrong with that one?" 

Johnny gave his ineffective friend a sharp dose of side-eye. "What's wrong is, he wimped out when Mary went into labor. Then when we got here, he was about to pass out. So,  the doctor made him sit over there out of the way. I've had to do all the heavy lifting until Bobby finally decided to show up." He scoffed and looked back at his watch.

Looking put out, Bobby commented on his words. "Hey! I already told you, I had no idea my wife was in labor. The first time the pager went off, it was nothing but letters and numbers. I thought Audrey Hepburn had gotten it and used it as a chew toy. So, I sat through the rest of my class." He scowled at Johnny. "Then when I got home, Jimmy's car was there and the lights were on. But no one was home. It wasn't until I came back from the main house, and saw the large puddle of fluid on the floor, that I realized what was going on. As much as I wanted to race here, I couldn't leave the floor in that condition." He felt Mary's hand reach up to hold his. She gave a squeeze.

He turned to both Johnny and Jimmy. "Thanks for leaving it there by the way. So thoughtful... Anyway, after I cleaned it up the real code came through.  I guess someone finally thought to send it. I hopped in my car and sped off." His wife brought his hand to her sweet lips and kissed it. It helped his frustration calm down. It's not like he didn't want to be here. He would have been had he known. 

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