Chapter 39: Volcanic Thoughts

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Lori and Johnny delivered Lydia safe and sound and sugared up. When Mary questioned this, Johnny told her "What's the point of being the fun uncle if the uncle can't be fun?" She rolled her eyes at him. He didn't have to deal with the repercussions of a wild daughter.

Having never been to Sicily, much less Italy, Johnny is having the time of his life. With all of the beaches, the food, the afternoon siestas, he was in heaven. "A country that appreciates the art of napping, badass," he declared. But what he loved most was spending time with his wife, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and nieces. With only his mom as his essential person, growing up, the new additions to his life made it more full and more complete. He actually had a family to lean on in times of trouble, instead of relying on himself. They made all the difference. It kept him calm and grounded.

As a whole family, they visited three distinct Sicilian locations together. And all three made Bobby geek out for history. First, they went to Palermo one of the island's main cities. They toured the  Monreale Cathedral, which is home to the golden mosaics. 2200 kilograms of gold were used to make them. 

When the tour guide revealed this fact, Johnny and Bobby both whistled. Lydia heard them. "I try too," she said. Her dad tried to teach her, but she couldn't get it. Mary laughed watching her try. It was precious. Also in Palermo, they visited the Norman Palace and Ballaro Market.

Another day they all took a day trip to Favignana island. Riding on the ferry, over to it, Lydia squealed with delight and rode on her father's shoulders the whole way. He pointed out interesting things to her. But Mary had a freak-out moment when an ugly pelican swooped down, from out of nowhere. She saw it dive, near Lydia's head. Having flashbacks to when the pelican stole her own little hat, she ran to protect her child. Being a calm baby, this whole thing made Grace cry. She hates crazy commotion. 

Johnny saw Mary running, out of nowhere too. He turned to Bobby and murmured, "What the hell?" Spying the bird, Bobby laughed remembering his wife's irrational fear of pelicans. He whispered this to his brother-in-law. He burst out with laughter. She gave them both the evil eye.

Once on the island, they opted to do a private yacht tour complete with snorkeling. The water on the island could put the Caribbean to shame. It's gorgeous and turquoise and makes you want to never leave. While snorkeling they saw plenty of different Mediterranean oceanic life. Dreamfish, breams, colorful wrasse, umbrine, yellow and red gorgonians, dusky grouper, even a moray eel, and an octopus was spotted. 

Mary tried to get Grace in the water, but she wouldn't try. Every time her feet touched it, she cried. So she and Bobby took turns snorkeling and holding her. When they all grew tired of the water, they set off on island explorations. They climbed the Castle of Santa Caterina and toured the Tuff Caves, made from a stone called Calcarenite. 

And of course, their Sicilian adventures would not be complete without visiting the world's second most active volcano. How could you visit this fabulous destination without seeing Mt. Etna up close and personal? It dominates the landscape with its smoking silhouette. An eerie reminder of the island's past, present, and future. 

Francesca watched both Lydia and Grace, during this dangerous expedition. She told them the atmospheric environment, around the volcano, is both extremes of hot and cold. It gets terribly frigid the higher the altitude you go. Wanting to go as close to the top as she can, Mary opted to leave them. 

When the group of four first arrived at the volcano, they were amazed. With it still being active, it made the danger all the more real. Johnny said "Once we all finish this tour, we should have T-shirts made. It should say I survived a live volcano." 

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