Chapter 10: Surprises And Cuddles

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July was an interesting month, for so many reasons. First of all, Lydia is now five months old. She continues to be a sweet bundle of love. Now with Mary's PPD anchored at bay, since taking her medication, she's finding out so many new and different things about her daughter. For example, her little eyes follow her everywhere. 

It's ridiculous to think of how she was jealous of Bobby's Dad bond with little Lydia. Their precious girl loves them both. For example, she needs only look at the evidence of the baby's following eyes. One day, Lydia was sitting in her carrier watching her Mama fold laundry. Mary got up to put the towels away, and she heard the loudest cry ever. Thinking something was wrong, she rushed back into the room. Lydia's crying stopped. 

It happened again when she left to put away Bobby's boxers. Once more, when she entered the living room her daughter stopped crying. This happened over and over until all of the laundry was folded, and put up. After which she took her baby out of her carrier and held her close. Lydia babbled in baby words. Mary could picture her saying "Don't leave me again Mommy." It's SO adorable!

Almost as sweet as when she sees her Daddy. Since it's summer Bobby is out of college. He's home all the time, but every so often he'll go hang out with the guys. Usually, he'll go to Johnny's or Jimmy's, and more often than not he'll take his bike. Lately, Lydia has become acquainted with sounds and associating sounds with certain things. She can recognize Mommy's voice, Daddy's voice, Audrey Hepburn's bark (She LOVES Audrey and Audrey LOVES her. Audrey licks her face and snuggles with her. Lydia giggles at the licks.), Uncle Johnny's voice (She adores Johnny to bits, almost as much as her Daddy. And Johnny adores her the same.), and Bobby's bike. 

Mary watches her little girl's eyes search around when she hears the roar of Daddy's bike. When he comes through the door, and Lydia hears his voice, her face lights up. She starts kicking her tiny feet. It makes Mary smile every time. And Bobby well... he's in hog heaven. For someone who's always been awkward with girls, he has two who make him feel like a king. Everything is good and right in his life. He has an amazing wife and a sweet baby. Nothing could be better than this.

On a particular evening in late July, after their three-year anniversary, they were sitting on the sofa. Bobby had his feet up, on the coffee table, and Mary was folding laundry. She feels like it's a never-ending chore. There are always countless dirty baby clothes, not to mention her husband's sweaty shirts (from beach time or working on his bike). 

As they were sitting, and Lydia was sleeping (in her crib), a wonderful idea popped into Bobby's head. "Hey Sweetie, I was thinking—-"

His wife interrupted him. "Oh no. The last time you said I was thinking, you had me up at the buttcrack of dawn. And we went hiking on trails, in Tuna Canyon Park, over in Malibu. My legs were so sore I wanted to lay in a hole forever. Never again Bobby Brown. Never again."

He had the nerve to look offended. "I thought it would be romantic to see the sunrise. I didn't think about all the steep slopes. But this idea is better than that one." He saw his wife give him the evil eye. "I promise." 

She didn't believe him. "I don't know Bobby. But, what is this brilliant idea of yours? And if you say it's a surprise, I will smack you. The last time those words were spoken, you had me hoping for a new pair of shoes. Only to show me how the car wash guys had buffed my Jeep to a bright shine. Then you made a big to-do over the gleaming hubcaps." 

He huffed. "Now I understand how Dutch feels when Jimmy brings up stuff." He sighed dramatically.

"If the shoe fits Babe. Just saying." She took a pair of his boxers and threw them at his head. She saw his narrowed eyes. An idea popped into her head too... a naughty, wicked idea.

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