Chapter 47: Swallow Tails

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How has it come to this? How is it he's sitting in a circle, surrounded by little Chicks? Why does he have to wear this stupid headband of bird feathers and this lame khaki vest? His black headband is more than enough, but this dumb thing... Johnny wondered how the hell he ended up in this position. His life couldn't get any more ridiculous than right now. It all started with Mary's twenty-eighth-week checkup.

She and Bobby went to the appointment together. Having started scheduling them for days other than Tuesday, he has been able to attend with her. Dr. Li pulled the twins up on the monitor. Mary let out a girly "Awe". They could see the twins hugging each other, on screen. Before the  misty-eyed Mama could even ask, Dr. Li said "I've already printed out a picture for you."

She handed it to the parents. "Since we're nearing the final stretch of the pregnancy, do you have any questions?" 

Mary has plenty. Her foremost concern is "Do you think I'll be able to carry full term? And to piggyback off of that, do you think I'll be able to have a natural birth instead of a C-section again?"

With a smile, Dr. Li answered her questions. "Carrying full term is a tricky question with multiples. What I'm not particularly liking is your blood pressure level. Even though the level isn't terrible, it isn't in the perfect range either. If you continue to have rising levels, then you won't carry full term. Again, though, full-term for twins is different than a non-multiple pregnancy. Thirty-two to thirty-eight weeks is a normal term with twins."

She did not like this answer, neither did Bobby. He particularly didn't like the part about his wife's blood pressure. "So doctor, about Mary's blood pressure... What should she be doing to ensure the levels don't continue to climb?"

Turning her head to his, Mary gave him a look. What is on about? He's going to end up having her on bed rest if he continues.

Dr. Li saw this exchange. "Don't worry Mommy, I'm not putting you on bed rest, yet. But you do need to watch your blood pressure if you don't want to be confined there. You need to take care of yourself, OK." She looked at Bobby. "So Daddy, what should Mommy be doing? First, no sweets. Those are bad for her and the babies." 

Mary groaned, while Bobby looked victorious with his I told you so expression. Just when she could truly get away with eating her sweets (she's eating for three now), he takes it away from her. Oh is she going to get him! When he goes to lay down tonight, she'll have a conveniently timed hot spell. She'll throw the covers on him and then—-

Her doctor interrupted her thoughts. "Absolutely! I agree with you. No more of that." 

No more of what? She turned her head to look between Bobby and Dr. Li. They were talking about something. No more of what?! What else has he gotten rid of? A terrible thought crossed her mind. No!! Not her soap operas. He can take the sweets, but save the soaps! If it's her soaps, she'll show him no mercy. 

"Did you hear that Sweetie?" he asked his wife. In response, she narrowed her eyes at him. He gulped. 

Chuckling, her doctor explained "Ms. Mary no more working too hard. You need to choose one thing and let that be it. With your girls, let Daddy discipline. That will be too much stress right now. We can't have you going into early labor. We've got to get the blood pressure back to normal." 

No working or disciplining the girls. That's like a vacation! Oh my gosh, she can watch all the soaps all day long. Yes! A late Merry Christmas to her. Smiling a huge, happy smile, she agreed to this. 

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