Chapter 4: Decisions

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"My back aches. My feet and head hurt. And I'm tired all the time," Bobby told his friends. They met up, the day Stanford let out for Thanksgiving Break. They decided to skip class and hang out, at Jimmy and Gwen's town house. This year things are a little different. Usually everyone goes their separate directions for Thanksgiving, but it seems like everyone is staying put. Gemma and Tommy are celebrating separately with their families. Jimmy and Gwen are having Thanksgiving with his family, since they do Christmas with hers. Ashley and Dutch are having Thanksgiving lunch with her family and dinner with Dutch's. He says "I'm going to be stuffed like a turkey." Johnny and Lori are like Ash and Dutch with their plans. 

As for Mary and Bobby, they will be dining with his family. They aren't dining with her family because she really wants to rest, before they go to his parents. His dear, old Granny will be in attendance. They plan on showing and sharing their baby news with her. Mary told Aunt Kitty this (who heard the words Bobby's grandmother) and understood immediately. She insisted they all eat together Friday evening, as a family (Lori and Johnny included). 

This afternoon, as soon as Bobby picks up his wife from her classes, they are going to start their baby registry. Bobby's mother, and Aunt Kitty, are hosting a BIG shower in late December. They were reprimanded for not having a registry. When Bobby heard his mother say this, he turned to Mary and said "Wait. People will buy us baby stuff?" Seeing his wife nod, the weight from his shoulders dropped a little. What a relief! They'd purchased so much already. 

Hearing Bobby complain is a rare thing. He hardly ever does, unless it's something major. Which is why his friends asked him to explain why he feels this way. "Because she has me moving furniture around, and carrying heavy things, since she can't do it herself. Plus at night, she tosses and turns trying to get comfortable. And if that isn't enough, it's super cold in the house. She insists the temperature be no higher than 50 degrees. Which is why I'm over here at your house, trying to thaw out." His frozen tundra is unbearable. He's super thankful they're meeting at Jimmy's.

"Man that sucks. But why does it have to be so cold in your house? It's in the fifties outside. Can't she just go out there?"Johnny is genuinely curious about this. After all, it's Bobby's house too.

Scoffing at his friends, Bobby explained. "She says she's hot. Apparently the pregnancy hormones make you crazy, hungry, and hot. You all need to take notes. Clearly there's a reason why I'm the first one of us to go through all of the things... marriage, now a baby. Guys, just learn from this." He picked up his beer, then set it back down. "Oh and if your pregnant wife wants these two things don't question it, or make faces. She'll just blow up! Her two new cravings are: dark chocolate covered bacon and BBQ pork with vanilla ice cream covered in caramel sauce." Now he drank his beer.

Making a face, Tommy pretended to gag. "What the heck Man? Surely you're joking." He didn't think anyone could possibly eat that.

Bobby smiled. "Oh I'm not joking. She also likes tortilla chips and melted marshmallows. It's really weird. I actually barfed one time and she started crying cause she thought I was laughing at her. The hormones Man, they'll kill you." He hates her blasted pregnancy hormones with a purple passion!

The guys sat around talking and goofing off. They didn't have a care in the world. Meanwhile, at school, Mary sat in her medical classes. Being in her Junior year of college that's unheard of. But, she was able to fast track her degree. This is due to her college accepted classes both her Junior and Senior year of high school. This allowed her to "graduate" with her Bachelors degree at the end of last Semester, her Sophomore year of college. Now she's working on her first year med school classes. 

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