Chapter 52: A Little Romance

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The next morning, after Mary saw her daughters and husband off, she went into the kitchen. As normal she grabbed her mug from the mug shelf. Not really paying attention, she went to get the peppermint tea. Setting the tea on the counter as well, she noticed something attached to the bottom of the mug. 

It's a note! Pulling it off, and examining it closely, her heart skipped a beat. It's from her husband! He seldom does "love notes", since his love language is touch. He'd much prefer to touch her in some way: a brush of the hand here, a caress of the cheek there, fingers running through her hair, the list of loving touches can go on and on. However... Opening the folded piece of paper, it read "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways, said a great love poet. I decided to take a cue from him. So here's the first, of many, love quotes hidden around the house. Can't wait for our date. Love you!"

Shut up! He did not! He actually wrote love letters, or rather love quotes. Either way, the fact he did it is amazing! She literally let out a girlish squeal of delight. He's SO sweet!  When did he find time to do this? It must have been after he got up, for the twins, late last night. And he knew she'd use her mug first thing. Smart man! Now the problem is, does she find all of the notes now or pace herself throughout the day?

What a pickle?! But ultimately pacing the notes won out. By the time breakfast was over, which was nothing but a bowl of fruit and yogurt, the twins were up again. In their nursery, she greeted them good morning. "Hi, babies! How are you today?" She looked at Rhett and said, "How are you, Rhett?" She jiggled his big toe and he smiled. "How are you, Rebecca?" She jiggled Becky's thumb, and she smiled just like her brother. But when her Mama went to take her hand away, she started crying. Grabbing and holding on is her favorite thing to do. 

Killing two birds with one stone, she allowed Rebecca to hold her fingers as she took her to get changed. Placing her newest daughter on the changing table, she took the dirty diaper off and reached for a fresh one. Clean diaper in place under her bum, the baby wipes, and powder came next. And wouldn't you know it? A love quote note was affixed to the bottle of powder. 

It would have to wait. As soon as Rebecca was clean, she scooped Rhett up and did the same with him. Then she sat in the rocker and fed them. Once this was done, she placed them in the Mini Monkey twin carrier. First, they'll exercise with her on the beach, then they would visit Grammy in the store. But only after she read Bobby's note.

Taking the piece of folded paper off the bottle, she sat down to read it. "The essence of romance is uncertainty. —Oscar Wilde  —-Are you certain you know what I have planned tonight?  Love you!"

Well, she thought it was just a dinner date, but now she's not so sure. What does he have planned tonight? What should she wear? Oh gosh! Maybe he'll leave more clues in other notes. "What does Daddy have planned babies? You know, don't you? But you're not going to tell me are you?" She kissed Rhett's head. "Are you?" She kissed Rebecca's head too. 

Carrying the twins in the carrier, while jogging, and scooping them up... whew! Her upper body strength is getting toned by the day. They jogged from the back porch to the beach, then down to their dock, and back again. They repeated this pattern for thirty minutes, with the twin's eyes taking in the outside world (with their SPF and cute sun hats firmly in place). Finally, they went to Farmacista to visit with Grammy.

"Oh my babies!" she exclaimed, the minute they stepped through the door. Ms. Katie dropped her whisk in the bowl and ran over to them. Holding out her hands, Rhett did the same to her. Mary gladly unbuckled him. Her arms and shoulders are tired.

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