Chapter 57: Hard Lesson To Learn

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The year 1995 will go down as one of the most remembered years. The twins were born, Johnny led the Swallow Tails into the woods, Tommy riled up a bear, Bobby and Mary's ten year anniversary, that date in May, Johnny's dojo exploded with students, Jimmy and Gwen's marital problems, Grace turned five, and she started kindergarten. 

Starting kindergarten is a big deal. It's a huge rite of passage to leave the home and be gone all day  (not half a day like Pre-K). She attends Grand Preparatory School, like Lydia, Jed, Luke, and now Fox. Grace is one of the youngest in her class, as her birthday is in late August. Two weeks after the beginning of the school year, on August 31st.

On the first day of school, Mary woke up bright and early. After getting herself dressed, in her usual grey leggings and white T-shirt, she went upstairs to wake the girls. Lydia was still asleep, but she woke up when her Mama kissed her forehead. She complained as she stretched. "It's too early to wake up, even for the first day of second-grade."

Once Lydia was up, Mary went to Grace's room. Her baby was already awake and out of bed.  "I already washed my face and brushed my teeth, Mommy. I excited about kindergarten!" She ran to her mother and hugged her. Her baby is starting kindergarten! 

Grace wanted to wear a dress, so Mary helped her pick one out. After several options, Grace chose a sleeveless, blue cotton fabric one with a collar. It has three buttons down the front and flowers embroidered all over. Mary belted it with a brown braided leather belt and had her put on a petal pink cardigan (in case she gets cold). She wore navy blue sandals on her feet, as she wanted to show off her painted toenails. 

"Since it's the first day of kindergarten, do you want Mommy to style your hair? I don't have to. You can run your brush through it like normal," Mary told her. She knows Grace is pickier about her hair than Lydia. 

Grace thought for a minute. "Yes, Mommy. I want you to." Her mother went into the bathroom and grabbed the hairbrush, a comb, an elastic, and a pink bow. Sitting on Grace's bed she went to work combing and pulling the front section back. Then she attached the big pink bow and brushed out the sides until they were smooth. Admiring her work, she thought her daughter looked cute.

After grabbing her new pink heart backpack, with all of her supplies in it, they went downstairs. Bobby was up making breakfast. Grace ran over to him and gave him a hug too before she sat at the kitchen counter. When Lydia entered she sat beside her sister. They ate a yummy breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast, while Mary made their lunches. 

As soon as breakfast was over, Grammy entered the house. She came to watch the twins, while Mary and Bobby drove the girls to school. While Bobby spoke with his mother, Mary got the camera and took pictures of both girls. She always does this on the first day of school. Grace insisted her mother and father be in the picture with her. Handing the camera to Ms. Katie, they took a cute picture. Grace is in the middle of her parents, kissing each of her cheeks. 

They asked if Lydia wanted a picture like that too. She said no. "I don't want a silly picture like that in my photo album." Her grumpy mood has returned lately. Her parents have no idea why.

Regardless, they loaded up the SUV and drove to Grand Prep. "Look Mama, there's Jed. You've got to park, so we can say hi," Lydia urged her parents. They parked and met Ash and Dutch in the parking lot. Lydia and Jed started talking and were eager to get to their classes. They were in separate second-grade rooms this year. 

Both sets of parents dropped their oldest off first. Then they went to the kindergarten class together. Grace and Fox have the same teacher, Mrs. Land. She's supposed to be one of the best. While Fox clung to his father, Grace was eager to get inside her room. Before she left, Mary reminded her "You have your heart on your bracelet. If you miss us, you rub it and know we're not far away. Love you, Baby." Grace gave them both hugs, kisses, and a big smile as she went to her class.

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