Chapter 32: Brown Blueberries

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The final week of 1989 was filled with hopes and dreams. Once Aunt Pitty had the deed to the land and house put in Mary's name, Mary and Bobby began dreaming and putting their ideas on paper. There weren't a whole lot of renovations to be made, to the house itself. Their list mainly included: fresh paint, updated fixtures, a few new doors, ripping up some carpet to put down hardwoods, knocking down a few walls (on the first floor) for a more open space, retiling the master bath and kitchen, new landscaping, and laying down new brick on the front and back walkways.

As soon as their ideas were finalized, they called Bobby's father (a contractor) out to look at the estate and review their plans. Of course, Ms. Katie wanted to come too. Any excuse to see her granddaughters is always perfect, but being able to see their new house is priceless. They came over in the afternoon, the day after Christmas. 

To say his parents were blown away would be an understatement. They were in awe of the charm and grandeur of the estate. It's like their own little countryside paradise. The house itself is enchanting, but the estate with all of its oceanic and scenic views is dazzling. They could definitely picture their son and his family living here. 

They continue to be proud of Bobby. After such a rough patch in middle school, finding Mary has been such a blessing to him (and to them). She is a rare sort of treasure: hard to find, valuable, and precious. True love is the same, but they found it in each other. 

Taking in the estate, the house, and the written ideas, Mr. Raymond went over them thoroughly. He even suggested a few other things. Ms. Katie did too. "Have you thought about your blueberry orchard? Have you even looked at it? That could be a diamond in the rough, you know. There are so many things you can do with it. You can open it up to the public, during the blueberry season. It's an easy way to make money. The public can pick their own blueberries! You can get contracts with grocery stores and restaurants. You can have a little gift shop and sell blueberry jams, jellies, treats, and local artisan crafts. You can have family events and a blueberry festival. I can see it now! The Brown Family Blueberry Festival! Trick or Treat at the Booberry farm!" She went on and on. 

To be honest, neither Bobby nor Mary had given a second thought to the blueberry orchard. They eyed each other with a shared look. Clearly, they need to assess the state of their berry bushes and take inventory of it. The wheels in Bobby's head began spinning. The blueberry farm could go one of two ways, either a financial windfall or a money pit. 

While Bobby was thinking economics, Mary's mind began to wander in his mother's direction. They have the orchard and the acreage, a summer nature camp for kids could be neat. Films at the farm, or a "read and pick" storytime. Private parties and field trips too! Ohhh... hayrides in the fall!

All of a sudden Mary turned to her husband and exclaimed. "While you're talking things over with your father, Ms. Katie and I are going to have a look at the orchard." She looked around and saw a notebook on the counter of the kitchen. "I'll take this notebook too!" 

Her husband eyed her suspiciously. He can see a plan forming in his wife's pretty head. Plus anytime she's with his mother, money is always spent. The two of them are like birds of a feather, they flock together. But at least they get along. "Fine. Are you taking Grace and Lydia with you?" he asked. 

"I don't know. Are we taking you, Lydia?" She looked at her daughter. Lydia hugged her Grampa's leg. "No, cold." That was all she said. Despite her daughter's words of coldness, it wasn't too cold out. In fact, it was rather pleasant, despite this she decided to leave Grace with her father as well. "I'm going to leave Grace with you. I don't want her to get chilled and sick." She unwrapped her baby carrier carefully. Then she kissed her baby and handed her over to Bobby, who kissed her little hands and cheeks. 

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