Chapter 29: Halloween Reduex

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Following Bobby's stress attack, life changes were made. Mary stuck to her plan of taking better care of herself. She didn't want her husband to worry himself into an early grave. Even though Lydia didn't like all the attention Grace received, she got enough of her own to not act out (most of the time). But that's an almost three-year-old for you. 

As for Bobby, he made some huge life changes of his own. First, he met with Pastor Scott. In their meeting, he told him "I'd like to take you up on your offer of the youth minister position. I think I'd like to try it out part-time first, to see if it's the right fit for me. That way I could still keep doing my counseling, as well, since it's a lucrative need in our community." 

The pastor was speechless. He thought this is a great idea. Bobby is the guy for this position, full-time, he just has to believe it in himself. Agreeing to what his young staff proposed, they spoke of the terms. Once he left the Pastor's office, the once second ace-degenerate with a compassionate heart was officially a youth minister. It sounded weird to him... youth minister. Even part-time, a teacher of the Bible is something he never thought he'd end up doing, ever. 

When he works up the courage to tell his friends, they'll surely laugh. And say things like, "You a youth minister. You partied way too hard for that." He didn't have to tell Mary, as he already told her his plans ahead of time. He tells her everything anyway. She said, "I'm not surprised. I think God's been dealing with you. You've just been ignoring it and running away from it. Our amazing Grace helped you realize a lot of things more clearly."

How does she do that? How does she have the ability to know what he's thinking before he voices it? Scary, that's what it is. Are the two of them that in sync that they know each other's hearts? Apparently so. Which is good, cause he'll need her support and help with these youth moving forward. 

Sitting in his office he thought about what the pastor said. He wouldn't officially start the speaking part of the position until next Wednesday, the first day of November. This gave him almost a week to prepare. With it being almost Halloween, the church Fall Festival is next Tuesday. The youth group always operates at least three of the booths. He'll be in charge of this.  

Thinking ahead there's also the bonfire, the Apple Pie Don't Lie event, and mums for moms. It's going to be a wild ride. His life became full with an almost-three-year-old, a nine-week-old baby, and a whole bunch of middle and high schoolers. He opened his calendar and began writing in dates and activities. The rest of the afternoon was spent thinking through the coming months of November and December.

Returning home, his wife and daughters were on the sofa. Mary, holding Grace, with Lydia beside her, holding a book. "I'm home," he said with a smile. Now that Grace is used to his voice, she looks around for him like Lydia did at that age. Although she still lights up more with her mother. Which makes sense because her mother talked to her more, being home alone. She also fought tooth and nail for her, every day of the pregnancy (especially at the beginning). There's something to be said for that.

Sitting down, Mary scooted herself and Lydia over to make room for him. She handed Grace to him. He stood her up on his legs, by holding her bottom. She used to have pain doing this, you could see it on her face. Now it's much better. She reached her little hands for his mouth, which he kissed. Then she fell forward onto his chest. He held her there, his amazing Grace.

They sat and talked about the youth group. "I think it will go well. You have some good events upcoming. With the Fall Festival around the corner, you're coming into this position at the right time," Mary stated. "Oh, speaking of Fall Festival, are you going to do the dunk tank again?" She hopes so. 

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