Chapter 43: Kids, Chicks, Nerds, And Farm Fresca

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As soon as the blueberry season ended, and the profits were analyzed, the statistics became clear. The farm took in more money than it spent, a lot more. People have been calling to see if they would be open next season. They also ask if the farm is planning on growing things other than blueberries, in the future. Merry Berry Farm has also been fielding questions about the summer day camp. Apparently, it is just as big a hit as the blueberries.

One Mom who called about the camp is little Stephen's mother. She said her son couldn't stop talking about Mr. Johnny. She says "Stephen thinks he's the best thing since Superman. As a single mother, I truly appreciate the way he didn't brush my son off. He spoke with him and answered his questions. I realize he can be a bit much and loves to talk your ear off, but it really meant a lot to him and me. I'd like to put my name on your waiting list for next summer." 

Mary couldn't believe it and went on to tell the mother about Johnny's dojo in town. "It's called Twisted Scorpion Karate. I can give you the number if you'd like." The mom said yes, and Mary shared it with her. 

Speaking of Johnny's dojo... The renovations and updates to the building are coming along nicely. He hopes to open in August, in time for back to school. With so many little Cobra's running around, he decided to have a kiddie class (after lots of prompting from his friends). He's unsure if he has the patience to teach little kids, but Dutch reassures him. "Hey Man, teaching kids is a walk in the park, unless you're teaching my son. He's picked up all my sarcastic ways and he's only almost three. Oddly he's better at it than me. Scary."

That does not assure him at all. In fact, it's the opposite of assurance. To him, a group of kids is called a migraine waiting to happen. 

At one group get-together, Mary asked "So, are these kiddie classes open to girls?" Each Cobra looked at the other until all of their eyes found Johnny's. 

With absolute confidence, he said "Kicks get chicks. Chicks don't get kicks. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Chicks have these tiny hollow bones, they aren't meant to fight. It's the same reason women aren't allowed in the army, it doesn't make sense." He slugged a beer back.

Bobby and Jimmy knew the minute those words left his mouth bad things were coming his way. And it did, in the form of all their wives including his own. Lori loves her husband but sometimes he's as dense as a brick wall and as obtuse an angle. She chose her words carefully. "Love what if our child is a girl. What if she sees her Daddy all dressed up to teach karate, and wants to go with him to learn. Are you going to tell her no?" 

Not expecting that question, he thought about how to answer this. "Babe, I've told you. If by some chance, like Bobby, we have a girl, then, of course, I'll teach her how to defend herself. But not karate, that's too much for her fragile bones." Loving his answer and how he handled himself, he relaxed into the soft sofa at Bobby's house.

The next thing he knew all of the women started hitting him with pillows. Then Gemma told him, "You sound better with your mouth closed." The other girls agreed. Next came Gwen with "I'm trying to see your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my butt." Again the girls agreed and high-fived each other. 

Then Ashley spoke. "I realize your mother told you, you could be anything that you wanted. But an idiot is not what she meant."

Eyes turned to Mary, the only one of them who hasn't spoken yet. "Mary, don't you have something to add to this conversation? I mean you are the mom of two girls," Gwen encouraged her.

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