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Shoto's POV

"So..." I awkwardly began after she left. "Has Natsuo and Fuyumi visited you?"

"They haven't and I don't think they will... During the fight, all I could think about were you all. I'm not... the best father and I never will be, but I hope to at least become a good father someday."

"Dad, we don't have to do this now. Don't you wanna save the speech for when all of your kids are together? I won't relay the message."

"I should, but you're in front of me right now. I want you to know what I'm thinking. Shoto, I'm trying."

"I understand... Well, I don't want to keep y/n waiting." I quickly tried to leave, but he just kept talking.

"I hope we'll be able to talk again soon."

I nodded and left before rushing to the lobby. I looked around, but I couldn't find her. I called her phone a couple of times, before I began worrying. There's no way she would just leave me here without telling me. I walked up to the front desk and got the nurse's attention. "Hi, my girlfriend told me that she would be waiting here, but she's not. Can you call her from the loud speakers?"

"Yes, of course."

"Her name is y/n."

She made the announcement and after some time passed, I quickly went back to talk to her. "I need a security guard or something. She isn't responding to my calls."

"Maybe she's outside. Did you check?"

I huffed before calling her phone and walking outside. I heard ringing and looked around before finding her phone on the floor. I was so worried to the point that I felt sick. I quickly picked it up and ran to the nurse. "Her phone was on the floor! I need a security guard!"

My yelling caught a few people's attention and a security guard soon came over. "Sir, do you need help?"

"Yes, my girlfriend is missing. Her name is y/n, she has long pink hair and is in a U.A high school uniform. She dropped her phone here. Can I see security footage?"

"... Follow me." He led me into the security room and played back the footage where she had first left Endeavors room. "That's her, right?"

"Yea." We watched her go to the lobby and then outside. There was a tall, hooded man on camera who drugged her and carried her away. I felt like I couldn't move or breathe. The security guard quickly called the police and after a minute, I called Aizawa sensei. Minutes later, the police and some of the U.A teachers arrived to watch the footage.

"Wait. Play the footage slower." Said Aizawa. We watched the man grab her again and I saw Aizawa focused. "Right there. The skin on his hands is exposed. It looks like purple burn marks and y/n's fire didn't hurt him. That has to be Dabi."

"But why would Dabi kidnap y/n?" Asked Midnight.

"It could be that he knows about her quirk. Maybe he even knows about her blue flames. He probably wants her because they're just like his. Now the question is, did he kidnap her as a part of the league's plan or was he being selfish?"

"Regardless, we don't know what we'll be walking into. We need to save her, but the league has access to strong Nomu's like what Endeavor and Hawks faced yesterday... and we don't have All Might." Said Present mic.

"But you have me and licensed students." I interrupted.

"Todoroki..." Began Aizawa. "We don't want to involve any of the U.A student's... and if we do, you and Bakugo won't be a part of it. You aren't licensed."

"But y/n's my girlfriend! I have to be a part of it. I can't patiently wait for you to find her and bring her back to me. I won't stay still."

"You will if you want to keep attending U.A."

"... Then I'll leave U.A."

"Think rationally! What will happen if you involve yourself? What would be the outcome? You could get arrested and once y/n is back at U.A, you will be gone and will barely ever see her." I calmed down and let the adults talk. "I called Snipe. He'll be here to escort you back to U.A." I nodded and waited in the lobby until I saw him.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and we walked back to U.A together. Once we reached the dorm, I walked in and everyone stared at me.

"Todoroki, you're back... but where's y/n?" Asked Kaminari.

I looked at my feet and stayed silent as I clenched my teeth. "She... was kidnapped by Dabi."

Everyone gasped and froze in place. "Why the hell are you here?! Why aren't you out saving her?!" Yelled Bakugo.

"The heroes and police are out making a plan to save her."

"Then let's go!"

"But!... If they do decide to use some U.A student's, you and I can't help. If we try, we could be arrested or kicked out of U.A. We need our hero licenses."

"And you're really gonna let that stop you?!" Yelled Kirishima.

"I don't have a choice!" I yelled back. "If they save her, then great. I'll be here waiting. If I help, I won't be in U.A anymore. My future will be ruined and I won't get to see her everyday."

"If that happened, she'd end up hating herself." Said Ochaco. "She'd want you to stay here and wait for her. Same thing with you Bakugo. She'd feel responsible for whatever happened to us."

"Don't worry. We'll get her back." Midoriya reassured me.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now