First Patrol

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In the morning, I got ready for my appointment and went to the therapists office. Shoto and I took our seats and began our session. "You've been gone for a while." Said Doctor Ichino. "I was afraid you wouldn't come back."

"I admit that I was probably gone for too long, but I do want to work things out with Shoto." I said. "That's part of why I moved here."

"Let's jump back in." We started talking about what we've been up to lately and I mentioned Katsuki and my relationship. "How does it feel to hear about her relationship with him, Shoto?"

"Honestly..." Shoto began. "It sucks. I still have feelings for her, so it's hard to see her with him. Especially since he's a close friend, and I'm around either of them pretty often. I'm slowly getting used to the idea of them dating."

After a while, the session was coming to an end. "Now that y/n is back, i'll start assigning homework. We're here to mend your relationship by starting a true friendship. Your first assignment is to spend some time together. Go have lunch after this and we'll talk about what that was like next week."

We nodded and went to a nearby ramen restaurant. We sat down before ordering and I started the conversation. "Today's session was pretty good."

"You mean, cause no one yelled or threw up?" He asked, making me slightly chuckle.

"Yea, it was rough before."

"I heard that you're coming on the ski trip."

"I am. I snowboard pretty often, so I'm excited."

"Me too."

"Obviously. We're probably the best at it."

He smiled and nodded. "Are you coming with me to work?"

"Yea... It's my first day, so I don't know if he'll let me patrol on my own or if he'll partner me with someone."

"He'll probably partner you with Burnin'... but you could ask for me, if you want. It's not like you're completely new to this area, and you need a partner, not a babysitter."

"I would really appreciate that." I smiled at him and our ramen bowls were soon brought out.

"... I really tried to keep this to myself, but I noticed a few things in your place that I really found interesting."

"Like what?"

"Your collection of 'Starlight' movies." We stared at each other quietly before laughing and I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Don't judge me." I whined. "I'm big on science fiction and fantasy."

"I'm not judging you." He chuckled. "Maybe a little bit, because those movies are pretty old and pretty cringy."

"Have you watched them? What's so cringy about it?"

"I haven't, but really? The main character has to choose between loving a werewolf or a vampire?"

"You haven't even seen it or know about the complexity of the story. You can't talk shit about a movie you haven't seen. You men are all the same." I teased. "You criticize everything in the romance genre for being sappy. I don't think I've ever seen you watch a romance movie. Only action and comedy."

"Cause those are the best ones."

"I'll let you borrow my dvd's. I want you to watch 'Starlight'."

"No way."

"Fine. We'll host a movie night at my place. Our friends, good food, snacks, drinks, and I'll make sure to have enough pillows and blankets. Sound good?"

"As long as I'm not the only guy there."

After lunch, we walked to the agency together and changed into our hero suits before meeting with Endeavor. "Can I ask why you're both seeing me?" Endeavor asked.

"Will y/n be partnered with Burnin' today?"

"She should be. Why does that concern you?"

"Let me take her on her first patrol."

"Sure, if you insist."

Shoto started walking out as I followed and we started walking further from the agency as civilians stared. "How's the crime rate these days?" I asked.

"Not as bad as back then, but pretty bad in a new way. A lot of villains were locked up, so a lot of older prisoners were released to accommodate the new ones. There's also the problem of civilians still purchasing illegal weapons. Accidents happen, and a lot of these weapons can cause big damages. A lot of fires."

"Are you ready to have your ass kicked today?"

He scoffed before pushing me away from him. "Shit. You're cocky and delusional." I suddenly began hearing distant screaming and rushed to it as Shoto followed. "What is it?!" I approached a high school to see a wounded boy on the ground of the school yard, and another student with a weapon pointed towards a group of ten.

I landed in front of the group with my hands raised and the student anxiously pointed his weapon at me. He looked scared and was covered in bruises. "Hey, I'm Cold Sun." I introduced myself calmly as Shoto finally landed a few meters behind him. "Are you okay?"

"Get out of the way." The student said. "Those people behind you are monsters."

"What's your name?"

"... Ren."

"Ren, you may not know who I am, but you should know that I'm a firm believer in justice. I'm gonna assume that these students are bullies and that they've continuously hurt and humiliated you."

"You assumed right. That's why they deserve death." He started crying and grabbed his weapon tighter.

"No. They deserve to suffer, don't you think?"

"What kind of a hero are you?!" One of the students behind me yelled. "Shoto! Please help!"

I looked at Shoto and shook my head to keep him away. "Ren. If you take their lives, you'll only make things worse for yourself. You'll suffer worse than this for the rest of your life. If you surrender your weapon to me, I'll help you get justice. Lawful justice against them. Don't you want a happy future?" I held my hand out and slowly walked towards him. "Let me and my agency help you." I could hear police sirens getting closer and watched Ren slowly reach towards me. Once I felt the weapon graze my finger tips, I pulled it out of his hand. "Shoto! Check on the wounded kid!" Shoto quickly went over and I started inspecting Ren for more weapons. "There's no more, right."

"N-No... I'm sorry. What's gonna happen to me?"

"You're full of bruises. I'll have the police investigate, so we can dismiss this as self defense. The problem is that you had an illegal weapon. You either tell them where you got it, or they'll arrest you for possession. You can tell them, right?" The police started to arrive and they were quickly approaching.

"I can."

"As for the bullies behind me, if they continue to hurt you, leave me a message. I'll come back to punish them." I gave him my office number and explained everything to the police before leaving. Shoto and I continued patrolling and achieved minor rescues until dinner. We went back to the agency to eat and I got to talk to some old friends from my internship days. After dinner, we continued working and got to help with a giant fire in the middle of the shopping district. When work was done, I went home and showered before going to bed.

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