Our Son

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In the morning, I felt Shoto get up to use the bathroom. When he came back, he laid next to me again and I moved closer to cuddle with him. As I was beginning to doze off again, I felt Shoto begin to toss and turn. I groaned before laying on my back. "Are you awake?" He asked. I groaned in response and felt him move his body below mine. His face was now close to my pelvis and I felt him slide my panties off before pushing his face against my lower lips. He began slowly licking and sucking my pussy, which made my heart beat a little faster.

"Shoto." I whined.

"Yesterday's game is over, right?" He shoved his tongue inside of me and I arched my back. When he pulled it back out, he started sucking my clit and I opened my eyes to look at him. We made eye contact and he pulled away before kissing my thigh. "You can keep sleeping if you'd like. Let me have my fun with you."

"How can I?"

"Just close your eyes and relax. I'll be gentle." I nodded before closing my eyes and feeling him lick my folds again. "You have such a pretty pussy." His thumb began rubbing circles around my clit and it began moving lower until it reached my entrance. He slid his thumb inside and I furrowed my eyebrows before quietly moaning. I felt him sit up and move around until he grabbed my thighs and pressed his pelvis against mine. He grinded against my wet pussy and he soon moved his hands onto my hips. "One of my favorite parts about fucking you is when I get to listen and feel my balls slap against it. When you suck me in and clench your pussy around my throbbing cock... When I get to fill you up with my hot cum and watch it come out of you." I felt his tip press against my entrance and I opened my eyes to see that he wasn't wearing a condom. I quickly gasped and stopped him.

"Shoto, are you stupid? Wear a condom, idiot. I'm having unprotected sex with Katsuki. I can't do that with you too."

"We could try anal."

"I'm protecting myself against STD's, not pregnancy." I reached towards his nightstand and pulled out a pack of condoms before tossing it to him. "Wrap it up." I watched him pout and I laid back down before turning onto my stomach. "Don't be a sourpuss. You can still have your fun." I lifted my hips up and sat on my knees while I waited for him to continue. I listened to him open a condom wrapper and after a second of silence, he grabbed my hips and slowly shoved himself into my pussy. He started slowly fucking me and we finished after he was satisfied. When we were done, we took a shower together and put on our disguises for the day. We had on matching work professional attire and put on makeup before fixing our wigs. When we were ready to leave, we put on our masks and got into his car. He quietly drove to today's destination while I texted Katsuki, who had finally reached out.

"Hey." He began. "I'm sorry for disappearing like that."

"It's fine." I responded. "I'm sorry for getting caught with Shoto. It was an accident."

"I don't care that you were caught with him."

"Then why are you mad at me?"

"Okay. Maybe I care a little, but I was mad before that."



"Katsuki. Please talk to me."

"... You're an asshole too. Maybe more than me."

"... What did I do?" I waited as the text bubble continuously appeared and disappeared. "Just say it."

"I fucking miss you. I didn't want you to spend the week with him."

"... Oh. I thought you were okay with it."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now