I Fucked Up

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When I woke up again, I felt the bed sink in and felt strong arms wrap around me. I turned to look at Katsuki and watched him warmly smile at me. I didn't deserve him either. I cuddled into his chest and breathed in his scent.

"You're early." He hummed. "I was expecting you tomorrow."

"I decided to come back early." I lied. "What time is it?"

"Around midnight. Are you hungry? I brought some leftover pizza." I nodded and we got up before heading to the kitchen. I put on a smile although I was hurting. Ending my relationship with Shoto just meant I could now give all of myself to Katsuki.

In the morning, I woke up when Katsuki rolled out of bed. He went into his bathroom and started getting ready for work, so I got up and went to the kitchen. I turned on his coffee maker and left a mug on it to prepare him some coffee. I felt that I should begin showing him that I cared by taking care of him. I took out some chicken and began seasoning it while I put some rice in the rice cooker. I then tossed the chicken into a hot pan and let it begin cooking while I chopped up a salad. "What are you doing up?" Katsuki asked after walking out of his room.

"I wanted to make you some lunch." I answered. I grabbed one of his bento boxes and packed the salad with a little container of dressing. I watched Katsuki walk closer and I grabbed the mug of hot coffee before putting it in front of him. "Do you want some creamer?" He nodded and I took the pint out of the fridge before handing it to him and putting a spoon in his cup. I continued cooking as he sat there drinking his coffee and when the chicken was done, I packed it with some rice.

"It smells amazing."

"Do you want some now? I'll put the leftovers on a plate for you."

"Can I?" I nodded before making him a plate and I watched him begin eating. "This is so good." I smiled and watched him stop before staring at me. "... Why'd you do this?"

"What do you mean? I wanted to take care of you. I made you a sandwich for lunch before, so this is me proving that I can do better."

"Is that it?"

"That's it. What time do you get off from work?"

"Uhm... Around 4pm, but I won't be coming home right away."


"I'm seeing Yumi. I made these plans yesterday, before I knew you were back. I can't cancel."

"Oh, what do you guys-?"

"You know what we'll be doing." My stomach turned. I was fine with them having sex before, but I suddenly felt upset. The only difference now is that I couldn't run to Shoto for comfort. "Are you okay? You look pale... You know, you can always talk to me. That hasn't changed."

"I know. I should go back to bed." I went back to his room and pretended to sleep until he left. I was suddenly filled with so much stress that I rushed out of bed and towards the bathroom, where I threw up in the toilet. I was shaking and felt weak. I knew it was mental, but I couldn't stop it. I've been through this before. I grabbed my phone and called my mom as tears stained my face. "Mom? I need you." I began crying. "I fucked up so badly." Hours passed with me sitting on the bathroom floor, but I eventually heard the doorbell ring. I slowly got up and went to the door and opened it to see both of my parents. They rushed in to hug me and I began sobbing in their arms.

"Take a seat, honey." My father said before rushing to the kitchen. My mom helped me to the couch and we sat down before my dad brought a bottle of water.

"Take these." Said my mom as she pulled out my anti-anxiety meds. I took them and swallowed them with half the bottle of water. "What happened?"

"I'm a screw up." I cried. "I ruined things with Shoto again and I'm gonna ruin things with Katsuki. I'm gonna be alone forever."

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