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In the morning, I got dressed and headed to a nearby park for a jog. I tried to be consistent since I wasn't fighting any villains lately and I needed to get my exercise in some way. As I was jogging, I heard distant crying and jogged closer until I stopped near a yelling woman. She was calling for help on her phone with a few other civilians watching and above us was a little boy clinging to a tree branch. I quickly flew up and sat on the branch next to the boy. "Hey, you're okay." I said to reassure him. "Can we go down together?"

"No!" He cried. "I can't let go! I'm scared!"

"Do you like Endeavor?"


"Well, he's a close friend of mine. I've helped him catch tons of villains and save tons of people. He trusts me and I think you should too. I promise that you have nothing to be scared about. We can go down slowly if you'd like." He quietly nodded and I grabbed him before pulling him into my arms. He held onto me tightly before I used my fire to bring us down slowly. When we landed, his mother pulled him into her arms and the people around us applauded.

"Thank you so much!" The mother yelled.

I smiled and got up to leave until the boy held my hand. "Do you really know Endeavor?" He asked.

"Yes, I do." I chuckled. "I trained with him when I was a hero trainee and now we're really close friends."

"What's your hero name?"

"Cold Sun. I'm a hero from America. Do you want to be a hero too?"

"I'm not sure. I got stuck in that tree because I got my quirk. I can jump really high and I don't think I like it. It's scary."

"Ohh, you're right. That does sound scary... but really fun when you learn how to use it. Whenever you feel brave enough to try it again, I want you to wear a helmet and pads. Do it somewhere safe and maybe put weights around your ankles. Then you should try jumping just a tiny bit. Don't try doing it too high... but if you do, you'll be okay. Another hero will come to save you." He nodded and I ruffled his hair before leaving.

"Aren't you on vacation?" I turned around to see Uraraka and I smiled. "I didn't expect to see you here saving that kid."

"I wasn't just gonna watch that adorable little boy cry. What kind of monster would that make me?"

"How are you? I feel like you're around, but we never hang out. I invited you back to Japan, but I haven't made time for you."

"It's okay, I'm fine. We've had our group hangouts and I've been busy with Katsuki and Shoto."

"It's not fine. We were close friends when you went to U.A. I should make time for us and I will. I promise." She held my hand and we smiled at each other before sitting down. "Uhm, I feel like I should tell you about what Momo has been saying about you. She says that you're sleeping with Todoroki and Bakugo. She's complaining about you using Todoroki to prevent her from being with him."

I stared at her before laughing. "She's too much... Yes, I've been sleeping with both of them. No, I'm not using Shoto to keep him away from her. Shoto is my ex. We still have feelings for each other and I'm never gonna stop loving him."

"Are you two thinking about getting back together?"

"No. I don't know this new him and he doesn't know me. We're not on the same page."

"What about you and Bakugo?"

"Uh, we're just close friends. I'm pretty sure we only have sexual chemistry." I awkwardly smiled and watched her get up.

"Well, Deku would kill me for saying anything, but I think you should explore a relationship with one of them. You and Todoroki will always be connected in some way and it would be amazing to see you two get back together after everything that's happened. It would feel like a case of true love... but I don't want to exclude Bakugo from my opinion. He's different with you and I think a relationship between you two could be beautiful... When you're both ready and see each other as more than sex friends."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now