❄️ Quirk Marriage! 🔥

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After an hour, we woke up and got ready to leave. He called us a taxi and we headed to the train station. It was getting dark, but we still had a few hours of freedom before curfew. After about 3 hours on the train, we got off and had 2 more hours until curfew. I pulled him towards a popular jewelry store and requested to see their couple rings.

"I think they may be a bit out of your price range." The counter lady said.

"Ma'am, you don't know me or how much money I have." I glared at her. "Just bring out the rings." She rolled her eyes and I slammed my hand on the counter, grabbing the other employees and customers attention. "Can someone else help me? This lady is being ageist."

(I imagine Shoto looking at the lady like this

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(I imagine Shoto looking at the lady like this. Like "How dare she roll her eyes at my woman." 🤣)

A male employee quickly walked up to us and flashed a smile. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to see your couple rings."

"Sure. I'll bring them out and measure the width of your fingers." I watched the man bring out two boxes of couple rings and I took time to look at each of them. He pulled out two tacky looking rings and showed them to me. "These are our cheapest rings. They're priced at $135 each with the word love engraved into it and are made of Sterling Silver."

"No. They look really tacky. Shoto, come look at these two." I pulled him closer and pointed to two beautiful, simple gold rings. "Do you think we should get gold? It'd match the necklace you bought me and I'd be able to wear them both all the time."

"I think they're beautiful." He said. "I prefer gold, but can you afford it?"

"Well." The man who worked here interrupted. "These are made of 18 karot gold and are $850 each. This is one of our more expensive couple rings, but are one of our most beautiful and elegant pieces."

"We'd like to try them on." I said, trying to contain my excitement. The man measured our ring fingers on our right hand and brought out rings that fit. We put them on and I immediately fell in love. "Babe, what do you think?"

He smiled, but still looked nervous. "I really like it, but can you actually afford it? If you can't, then I'll-."

"We'll take them, sir." I said happily. Why did everyone look so anxious? The man put away the other rings and rang up the ones we had on, on the cash register.

"That would be $1,700." The man said. I handed him my debit card and he sighed before swiping it. There was a brief pause before he smiled. "Thank you for your purchase. I'll hand you a bag with the receipt and rings insurance. We hope to see you again." He happily said while handing me my things.

I held Shoto's hand before dragging him outside and onto the bus. "Babe, where did you get that kind of money?" He asked.

 "Babe, where did you get that kind of money?" He asked

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now