First Session

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In the morning, I got ready for my appointment and watched Katsuki walk towards the door. "I'll see you later?" I asked. He smiled before kissing my forehead and I smiled before seeing him leave. When I was ready, my parents picked me up and drove me to my appointment. "You didn't have to drive me."

"We're just making sure you go." My mother said. I watched them get out of the car and I followed their lead before being escorted inside. I saw Shoto and his parents sitting on the couch and watched them get up once they saw us.

"You guys made it." Rei smiled. "Go right in." They pushed us into the room and I made eye contact with the therapist before hearing the door slam shut.

"Welcome. I'm Doctor Ichino." The old man smiled. "Please take a seat." He gestured to the couch in front of him and Shoto and I walked towards it before sitting on opposite ends. "Interesting... I was told that you two had a long romantic history. I'm sensing some deep hurt feelings. I'd usually say ladies first, but I don't think I'd get what I want by asking Y/n first."

"You'd be right." Shoto murmured.

"Making assumptions already?" I asked.

"If I'm wrong, then you can start." Said the man, but I stayed quiet, which made Shoto scoff coldly. "Alright. Let's start from the beginning. How did you two meet?" We began at the very start of our relationship and answered any questions the doctor had. "Y/n, why do you think you liked him that quickly?"

"I don't know." I answered. "I just found him really attractive."

"But I'm sure there were plenty of other attractive schoolmates. Were you that attracted to anyone else?"

"No. Just him."

"Why is that?"

"... We had the same quirks. I was interested because I saw myself in him and wanted to find our other similarities."

"Shoto. Would you say you felt the same?"

"No." He responded. "I wasn't interested at all, but she was persistent."

"Why did you warm up to her?"

"... I realized that we actually were similar." We continued answering questions and got to the start of our relationship. The secrecy and eventually the jealousy. How my ruined mood turned the dorm into a freezer.

"Would you say that you heavily relied on him at this point?"

"Maybe." I answered.

"What does maybe mean?"

"Yes." I sighed. "My relationship with him began to affect my mood."

"It was really early in the relationship. Don't you think that you sounded obsessed? A few things in common and you thought he was your soulmate?"

"I wasn't obsessed. I was a moody teenager and I was dramatic."

"But you thought that he was your soulmate?"


"Weren't you afraid of your behavior? Didn't you care about what Shoto thought?"

"Why are you attacking me?"

"Do you feel attacked?"

"Yes! You're telling me that I behaved badly and selfishly. You're judging me for what I did years ago."

"I'm asking questions. I don't have any ill intentions towards you. Do you often think people are out to get you? That people who come into your life only want to hurt you?"

"Can you please give Shoto some attention? This session isn't only about me."

"I'm trying to figure out the root of the problem."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now