❄️ Hero Billboard Charts! 🔥

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In the morning, I woke up early and quietly got ready so that I wouldn't wake Shoto. Once I left, I went to a flower shop and bought a big bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. I was on my way to support Endeavor before the Japanese Hero Billboard Charts. I knew for a fact that he was being announced as the number 1 hero. Everyone knew. It may not mean much to him, but I really appreciated the time I spent with him during my work study. I stopped in front of his agency and walked inside. Before I could talk to the front desk lady, I saw Endeavor walk out of the elevator and towards the front door, where I was. "Endeavor!" I shouted to get his attention.

"Y/n, you know the work study is on pause for now

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"Y/n, you know the work study is on pause for now. Go back to U.A. I'm busy." He said while walking past me.

"Wait! I'm not here about the work study. I'm here to congratulate you." He stopped and turned to look at me. I handed him the flowers and chocolates before bowing. "I know that you'll be announced as the number 1 hero in a few hours, so I'm here to congratulate you before you become too busy to see me. I know you're a very prideful man and you may not have received the title in the way you wanted, but I know that you can earn it. I know Shoto hasn't reached out to you, and he probably won't, but I think he's proud of you right now... Don't tell him I said this, but he seemed kinda happy when you showed up at his provisional license training. He told me that you wanted to be a good hero and make him proud. I think that meant a lot to him. This obviously isn't any of my business, but I thought it'd be best if you knew."

"Thank you... For everything." He said. I noticed him look at my hand and glare at my ring. "Walk with me." I followed him outside and we began walking to god knows where. "So, did you and my son break up?"

"What?! No! What made you think that?"

"You're wearing an engagement ring! Are you telling me that you're engaged to my son?!"

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"You're wearing an engagement ring! Are you telling me that you're engaged to my son?!"

"No!.. I-It's not like that." I stuttered. Damn it! I forgot to remove the finger from my left hand after the prank. "Not yet at least." I muttered while switching the ring to my right hand.


"This is a promise ring or a couple ring. He has one just like it... We don't plan on getting married now, but this shows our love for each other. This means that we see a future where we do marry and we firmly believe that we'll get there. We really do love each other."

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