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LEMON WARNING!!!!!!! A quickie tho....

In the morning, I heard my door open and felt my bed sink in. I slowly opened my eyes to see Shoto and I smiled. "Good morning."

"Why didn't you come sleep in my room?" He asked, looking annoyed.


"I told you I was going to bed and expected you to come to my bed when you were done talking. We haven't shared a bed since New Years."

I chuckled before sitting up. "You didn't tell me you wanted me to come to your bed. We were all tired from the work study, so I thought you'd need that alone time to rest."

"I could've rested with you." He laid on top of me and buried his face in my breasts. I laughed and sat up.

"Babe, get up. Didn't you get the letter saying that tomorrow was family day? We have a morning assembly."

"Your alarm didn't even go off yet." I watched him grab my thighs and push them closer to my body as he slowly slid his face closer to my womanhood.

"No, no, no." I said while grabbing his hair. "We can't right now."


He quickly pulled off my shorts and panties before grabbing my wrists and pinning them down. "I missed your pussy so much." He groaned before kissing it. "Don't make me beg."

I blushed as I watched him eat me out and I was quickly becoming wet with my own juices. "Shoto~" I moaned. "We don't have much time."

"Then let's make this quick." He quickly got on his knees and pulled down his pajama pants and boxers. Before I knew it, he had slid his dick into me and tightly hugged my waist as he started thrusting into me. One of my three alarms suddenly went off and I turned it off. I wrapped my legs around Shoto's hips and helped him speed up. He started to rub my clit and I started moaning to the building pleasure. He suddenly pinned my stomach to the mattress and kept going until the second alarm rang. I quickly turned it off and closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation that was quickly getting stronger. "Fuck!" He grunted before finishing in me. He kept rubbing my clit and I whimpered before climaxing. He slowly pulled out and I turned around to kiss him. We slowly kissed until the last alarm rang and went into the half bathroom to clean ourselves up.


"Okay. I'm gonna go get dressed. I love you." I smiled before kissing him again.

"I love you too." I watched him leave and I quickly brushed my teeth before getting ready. When I finished, I thought about wanting to have sex again, but since we had to prepare for tomorrow, I thought it would be best to make him want me all day. I had put on a cute, short skirt with a matching cardigan.

It was one of the only days we could dress out of uniform, so I wanted to look nice

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It was one of the only days we could dress out of uniform, so I wanted to look nice. Plus, I wanted Shoto's eyes to be glued on me. I put my hair in a half up, half down style and then I put on a bit of makeup.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now