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*Four months later*

Things were feeling normal these days. I stopped my therapy appointments with Shoto, but we both continued to go to therapy on our own, once a week. I was still single and even refrained from having sex with anyone, which gave me lots of time to sexually explore with myself and my new collection of sex toys. Shoto and I were on good terms. We hung out as friends and I introduced him to new hobbies. We usually hung out together with Midoriya and Uraraka or his family, but when it was just us, we would play video games and it got pretty competitive sometimes. Katsuki and I were getting along, but we weren't close anymore. We avoided hanging out alone, but still engaged in good conversations and some arguments. Things were different, but it all felt good. I was doing well mentally again. I guess I just needed time away from any guy drama. I was also beginning to climb the hero charts in Japan. I was pretty new, so I still wasn't even close to Shoto's ranking, but climbing up thirty positions in four months was a big achievement.

"What a fucking jerk!" I yelled. "Get off my ass!"

"What's his goddamn problem?!" Shoto yelled. "Kick him out!"

I huffed angrily before quickly removing the player from our party. We were playing our favorite online shooting game 'Call of Warfare', and we were pissed about a teammate killing us and stealing our weapons. "I'm gonna get some water. Do you want any?"

"Yea." I got up and got us bottles of water before sitting back down. "I have to leave soon. Are you still coming to Fuyumi's dinner party tonight?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

"Good." He smiled. Once he got up, he got ready to leave and playfully pushed my head before walking towards the door. "I'll see you later."

"Bye." Later that night, I got ready for the party and drove to the restaurant's location Fuyumi sent everyone. I parked before going in and I went to hug Fuyumi and her family. "Shoto's not here yet?"

"He'll be here soon." Said Natsuo. I looked around the restaurant and surprisingly, there were a lot of people here for Fuyumi's party. As I looked around, I saw Shoto walking in, but my face went pale when I saw Camie on his arm.

"Who the hell is that?" Haru asked.

"That's Camie." I responded. "There's no way that they're-."

"It looks like it." Said Makoto.

We watched Shoto approach us and we all quietly stared at him. "Hey everyone. This is Camie." He said to introduce her. "We've been seeing each other."

"O-oh. Since when?" Fuyumi asked.

"A few weeks. I hope it's okay that I brought her."

"Of course. It's nice to meet you, Camie."

"It's nice to meet you all too." She smiled. We made eye contact and she smiled at me, but the way she smiled felt condescending.

I scoffed before sitting back and crossing my arms until Shoto pulled her to sit at our table. "Shouldn't this be the family table?" I mumbled.

"You and Makoto aren't family." Shoto mumbled back, shocking me and hurting my feelings.

I chose to ignore him and turned my attention to the others at the table. After a few minutes, Fuyumi got up and was handed a microphone. "Hello everyone!" She cheerfully began. "Thank you all for attending tonight. I'm glad that you're all having fun, so before we get back to it, I just have one announcement to make... Makoto and I are getting married!" We all gasped before cheering and beginning to congratulate the happy couple. I got up to mingle with other people, mainly to avoid Shoto and his new beau. After the party ended, I went home and cancelled all of my plans that involved him that week. It didn't take him too long to notice, because he visited me the very next day.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now