❄️The Battle pt.1🔥

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The day we were training for was finally here. All the heroes and hero trainees involved in this battle met up before splitting up into our assigned teams. I was obviously in Team Endeavor with Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo, but we were joined by Iida, Uraraka, Asui, Koda and hundreds of others. We waited for Burnin's signal and I quietly relaxed my nerves and worries with deep breaths. I've had what seems like a million conversations to prepare for this battle. To mentally prepare for what could happen. We were all hopeful, but we knew the worst possible outcome was death for us all. The annihilation of all heroes and hero trainees. Then what would become of this world and would we become the villains of their history books? I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to look at Shoto. I softly smiled before taking his hand and holding it. I was now sure he was fighting for me and the thought of us was my biggest motivation. I desperately wanted the future I envisioned for us. A future filled to the brim with happiness, love and the support of all our friends and family. I needed to fight with everything I had. I was honestly itching to fight, but being a part of the evacuation team would make that difficult.

"The front line's moving!" Yelled Burnin, forcing me to let go of him and get ready. She jumped off of the cliff we were on and we all followed behind. "Split up and evacuate residents by block! Got it!?" We all agreed and ran into the city before waiting on standby. "Calling all logistical support teams. Team Endeavor is engaging the villain inside the hospital. Town hall has sent an evacuation advisory to the phones of nearby residents. Start evacuating your assigned areas."

"Okay, let's-" I began saying but stopped when Bakugo walked past me.

"Damn it! Why do I have to help with evacuation? Let me at a villain!" He grumbled angrily as he walked towards a house and rang the doorbell. "Hey, you! They said to evacuate! Didn't you see the message on your phone?! Huh?!" Midoriya and Iida went to evacuate all the condos, while Bakugo, Uraraka, Shoto and I went to evacuate the houses. We watched as people started rushing out of their houses in panic.

"Everything is okay!" I said, trying to reassure them. "Let's all calmly walk to the evacuation zone! There will be more heroes and police vans waiting for you!"

As we evacuated the last family from their home and to the center city, we joined everyone and helped load the vans. I watched as an old lady turned to smile at Bakugo and offer him a snack. "Thank you. Here, have a chocolate bun."

"It'll make me thirsty!" He yelled at her. "Just go already!"

"She's being nice." Said Uraraka. "You should take it."

"You just want a chocolate bun, don't you?!"

I watched as he turned to take it and I laughed before walking over to thank the lady. "Thank you so much for being so kind." I said while smiling at her. "I promise, he's secretly really happy to receive this. He loves chocolate sweets."

"Mind you business!" He yelled at me and I laughed before patting his shoulder.

"I'm happy to hear you'll be enjoying it later." Said the old lady. "Maybe you can split it with your girlfriend." She smiled at me and my eyes quickly widened.

"O-oh no! He isn't my boyfriend!" I yelled in panic. "Just my friend."

"You wish!" Bakugo yelled.

I awkwardly walked away from him and stood next to Shoto who stood on his other side. "Should I be jealous?" Shoto asked teasingly while nudging me.

"No, he's just my side piece." I teased back, earning a shocked response from him.

"Wha- Excuse me?!"

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