❄️See You Later🔥

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In the morning, I packed my bags with the little amount of things that I had in that room and went around giving some of my possessions to my friends. I gave them things that I wanted them to have.

"You said that this wasn't goodbye, right?" Hagakure asked.

"This is just a 'see you later.'" I smiled before hugging her. "Bakugo, you can call or text me whenever you want to share recipes." He growled before turning away from me and I hugged him without permission, which made him growl louder. I pulled away and went to hug Midoriya as he sadly watched me from afar. "This is because I didn't get my hug yesterday." He hugged me back and I pulled away before going outside with all of them following. My parents were waiting by the car and I approached before stopping and turning around.

"We're all gonna miss you." Uraraka said.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too." I smiled as a tear escaped my eye. I went to hug everyone again and went to hug Shoto last. I tightly wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back just as tight. I pulled back to look at him and his sad eyes. I smiled before kissing him and pulling back. "I'll miss you most of all, but we'll video call, right?"

"Of course. Everyday."

I chuckled and softly hit him. "We talked about this. Every week."

"Every other day."

"Sure." I giggled.

"It's time to go." My dad spoke. I kissed Shoto once more before walking to the car and getting in. I waved bye to my class for the last time before driving off. My parents and I quietly drove towards the airport and I looked out of the window as I tried absorbing the scenery as much as possible. As I stared at the passing river, there was a sudden loud crash sound and before I knew it, the car was flipped and everything went dark. I regained consciousness and quickly realized that I was upside down.

"Y/n!" I heard my mom yell. I watched her climb out of the car window and I slowly unbuckled my seatbelt before climbing out. In the middle of the street stood a giant Nomu that was staring straight at me. "Get your father out of the car! Leave this to me!" I rushed to the driver's seat and pulled my dad out.

"Dad!" I yelled to make him wake up. When his eyes opened, I helped him up and away from the car. He sat back down onto the ground and before I could turn around, I was grabbed and carried into the air. I looked up to see a flying Nomu and I quickly engulfed my body in its hottest flames. It quickly let go of me and I flew towards my mom, only to be grabbed again. I grabbed the Nomu and in return, I began burning its whole body, but with a sudden pinch, everything went dark again. When I opened my eyes, I first noticed a wall in front of me. I slowly looked around and realized that I was in a dim room with no windows.

"Took you long enough." Said the only voice that could put fear and anger in me. Dabi walked closer from the corner of the room and I quickly tried getting up, but I was tied down in chains, with a quirk cancellation cuff on my wrist.

"Dabi!" I growled in anger. "I'm sick of these games! Let me go!"

"Oh, come on. I'm really having fun." He creepily grinned before sitting in front of me.

"How did you even know I was leaving?"

"A little birdie told me. I can't believe you tried to leave the country without saying bye to your big brother."

"You're not my brother. You're nothing to me."

"I'm your boyfriend's brother, but we also had something special, didn't we? We were pretty close."

"Until I realized how much of a psycho you really are!"

"Liar! You abandoned me just like my family because you didn't wanna look bad when they found out that I was your dirty secret! You're just as bad as all of them!"

"I was scared of what the consequences would be for keeping in contact! I didn't wanna be punished by the school or police!"

"You didn't want my family to hate you!"

"... Why am I here? Aren't you planning to kill me with an audience?"

He began smiling again and aggressively grabbed my face. "In due time, but I had an even better idea. I'm gonna torture you until you're broken and then I'll let the heroes save you."

"They'll save me before you get the chance."

"You think so?" I watched him walk towards the door and open it. A skinny man walked in and stood in front of me. He had a mask on and didn't say a word. "Meet Iso. This room is very special thanks to him. When the door is closed, every day in here is an hour in the real world. If the heroes take a day, then that's 24 days in here, but don't worry. You won't age faster in here. Starting today, Iso and I will be your torturers."

"Dabi-." I was quickly punched and slowly looked back up.

"Every word and sound is a punishment." I watched them close the door and panic began consuming me. I prayed that the heroes would storm in, but they couldn't even save me last time. Why would this time be any different?

*Shoto's pov*

I rushed to the police station when I heard the news. I stormed in with my father behind me and stopped when I was in front of Y/n's parents. "What happened?! Where is she?!" I yelled, but no one would look me in my eyes.

"We're retrieving street cameras and reports." Said one of the officers. "We'll find her soon."

"Shoto, let's just take a seat." Said Endeavor. We sat down and waited for what felt like a century.

"We found the location." Said the officer, making all of us stand in anticipation. "It's an abandoned apartment building a few miles outside of the city, but we're concerned about it being a trap."

"Leave it to us." Said Ice Queen as she walked out with all of us following. We all went to Endeavors agency and called everyone into a meeting. They quickly debriefed and made a plan before rushing out towards the location.

"Search team. Follow me. Everyone else, wait for further instructions." Said Endeavor as he walked towards the building with Ice Queen and a few others. They went in and I impatiently waited for them to bring her out. "She's not here." He said in disappointment. I watched Mr. L/n fall to his knees before beginning to weep. After everyone came out of the building, I was sent back to the dorms, where I tossed and turned in worry. Was this it? Was Dabi going to kill her this time? If she dies, it'll be my fault. When the sun began rising, sleepiness finally caught up to me and I quickly fell asleep.

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