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When I opened my eyes, I looked around and quickly realized I was in a hospital bed. I was in a private room with no one around and I tried getting up, but I could barely move. "She's awake!" I heard someone yell. My father came rushing in with a few of my classmates and a doctor trailing behind.

"Ms. L/n. I'm glad to see that you're finally awake." Said the doctor as she approached me. "Are you able to speak?"

I cleared my throat before attempting to answer. "Wa-ter." My father quickly helped me sit up and let me take a few sips from a bottle on the table. "I think I'm fine now." He gently laid me back down, but I still felt pretty weak.

"Can you move?"

I tried again, but could only move my head. "No."

She leaned in closer before dragging her pen across my body, from my hands to my toes. "Did you feel that?"


"Great. I did notice slight movement in your fingers and toes, so that means you're fine. Your body is just exhausted from the fight, but you should be able to gain more motion in an hour or so. I'll send in a nurse to help you with stretches." She walked out and the others just stared at me.

"I'm sorry, but can someone help me sit up. Just push the fold button for a bit." I looked at everyone that was around. My dad, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Mineta. "Please say something. Your silence is scaring me... Is someone dead?" Yaoyorozu slowly stepped towards me with sadness written all over her, making me lightly gasp. "W-Wait. Where's mom and Shoto?... Bakugo and Midoriya?" She sat next to me as they all began telling me what happened. I had been asleep for two days and the civilians and press hated us for what happened. We lost so many heroes in death and retirement. We didn't do enough... We didn't save enough people. My dad held me as I sobbed into his arms. I felt weak and useless. I should've done more. Now Shigaraki was causing more mayhem all around Japan. After I stopped crying, the nurse came in to help me stretch and massage my body. I was able to move my body again, but still felt weak. The nurse helped me stand and although I could walk, my legs were wobbly.

"Do you wanna walk with me?" Kirishima asked as he was one of the only people who stayed. The other two being Uraraka and Yaoyorozu. I held onto his arm as he led me out of the room and towards my moms. I walked in to see her talking to my dad and when she turned to look at me, I could see tears in her eyes.

"Ew, don't cry. You're an ugly crier."

"Y/n!" She yelled. "How could you say that to your injured mother?!"

I looked at the cast around her arm and frowned. "I'm sorry you got hurt although you handled yourself pretty well... You would've been more focused on the fight if you hadn't been so concerned about me. You've done better."

"Y/n!" Yelled my dad.

I turned to look at Kirishima and let go of him. "Can I text you when I'm done?" He nodded before leaving and I walked towards her bed.

"Apologize to your mother and show a little compassion!"

I sat next to her before hugging her tight. "I'm really glad you're okay. The last thing I want is to see you hurt... more than you already are."

"Thank you... I really appreciate hearing that." I pulled away to see her smile.

"But next time, we can't fight together. If you're there; I'll make sure to go the opposite way. You know, just so we don't distract each other."

"Oh, but you and Shoto can fight side by side?"

"It's different with him. You know that."

"Why? No one can protect you better than I can... Well, I was already hurt before you joined the battle, but if I wasn't, you would've never been touched."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now