❄️ Damaged 🔥

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"Welcome. Both of you applied, so we decided we had room. Uraraka. We saw you at the sporting festival and know you have zero gravity powers, correct?" Gunhead shouted.

 We saw you at the sporting festival and know you have zero gravity powers, correct?" Gunhead shouted

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She nodded and he turned to look at me.

"We were a little confused by you. You're a foreigner and first joined U.A's sister school, so we had to reach out to find out what your quirk is... You're amazing. Why didn't you participate in the sporting festival? I'm sure you would have gotten over a thousand offers."

"I didn't feel prepared." I said in embarrassment.

"Well then. Let the training begin."

We followed his instructions and practiced day and night for hours. We weren't allowed to leave unless given permission, so the next best thing was to hang out on top of the building's rooftop. I was relaxing after a long day, until Uraraka joined me.

"Hey. Can I join you?" She asked.

 Can I join you?" She asked

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"Of course."

"... I'm really confused about you. I haven't seen you use your quirk at all, but you're similar to Todoroki-kun?"

"Yea. Very similar. I'm sorry, but I just haven't had the opportunity to show you. My quirk is very destructive, so I'm careful with where I use it."

"I understand. I can wait patiently."

I smiled and felt my phone buzz. I looked to see a bunch of reports from a city nearby. There was fire and destruction on the news and I pulled Uraraka back inside with me. Everyone was focused on the news and followed it all night. We heard that there were students in that town who had gotten hurt during the capture of the hero killer, so Uraraka quickly texted Iida, our class representative. He notified us that he was one of the victims, along with Midoriya and Todoroki. I felt my stomach twist and turn and tried my best to go to sleep, but I was worried. I stayed up all night and had a tough training the next day. I let Uraraka know that I would be sneaking out at night and she helped me make a lunchbox for Midoriya and Todoroki, since
Iida had left the night before. Once I was done, I quickly left and took a train to the town. I went to the hospital and was led to the guys suite.

 I went to the hospital and was led to the guys suite

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"Y/n-san. What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked as he looked shocked.

"To be honest. I was worried about you guys, but I couldn't leave my internship until tonight. I had Uraraka help me make traditional lunch boxes, because American hospital food is awful and I wasn't sure if it was the same here."

"I was just checking myself out. Come. I'll walk you out." Todoroki inserted.

"No. Come sit and eat." I said as I gestured him to sit.

"No. I need to go."

I stayed silent and handed a lunch box to Midoriya.

"I'll see you in school." I warmly said as I smiled.

I followed Todoroki out and he stopped me outside the hospital.

"We can go our separate ways from here." He stated.

"Oh... Then take the lunch box I made you. In case you get hungry."

"No. I'm good."

"Save it for later."

I extended my arms to give it to him, but felt him smack it out of my hands. I was so tired of his attitude.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep pushing me away? I'm getting tired of your mood swings!" I yelled

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"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep pushing me away? I'm getting tired of your mood swings!" I yelled.

"Why are you trying to get close to me? You're so damn persistent!" He yelled back.

"Todoroki! We're the same! What don't you get?! Why can't I get close to my equal?!"

"We're not the same! You're some cute American girl with long pink hair and I'm some Japanese boy with half white and maroon hair and an ugly maroon burn mark! I'm ugly and damaged!"

"... No you're not. I don't care how you got it or what you look like on the outside. You're perfect the way you are." I lowered my voice.

I pulled him closer and brushed my thumb on his burn mark. I didn't know how he got it, but as I said before. I didn't care. I leaned in and kissed his burn mark.

Once I pulled away, I could see that he was flustered

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Once I pulled away, I could see that he was flustered. Our cheeks were both pink and he just walked me to my train in silence.

"So you think I'm cute?" I teased.

"Shut up." He mumbled before taking the lunchbox and going back to his internship.

When I got back to mine, I had successfully snuck back in until I saw the lights turn on. All of my superiors walked in and had Uraraka behind them.

"I'm sorry. They woke up when you left." She apologized.

The next morning, they were training us harder than ever and kept this pace throughout the rest of the internship.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now