The Wedding

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*Three Months Later*

The wedding day was quickly approaching and things had begun getting really intense. I spent so much time with the wedding party, that the wedding was all I could think about, but I was excited. Especially because I was excited to see all of our hard work come to life. "Tell me that you're done packing." I said to Shoto. "We have to pick up the wedding rings soon."

"I'm almost done." He responded. "Baby, don't worry. Everything is gonna be perfect. Come here."

I watched him stand by his bed with his arms wide open. I pouted before walking into his arms and holding him tight. "I can't wait for all this wedding stuff to be over. I just miss spending most of my time alone with you. Plus, it seems like the bride keeps stealing you away from me. What's up with that anyway?"

"What do you mean?"

"The past few weeks. Your siblings keep making you join them without me. Why wasn't I invited?"

"Uhhh... Fuyumi and Makoto are planning on buying a house when they come back. Natsu and I were going over their finances and budget."

"Oh, that's nice." I pulled away to look at him and I smiled. "I don't feel so left out anymore." I watched him smile before kissing me and he continued packing until he was done. We quickly packed the car and drove to the jewelry shop to pick up the rings. Shoto went in alone and came back with a bag. "Did you open the boxes? The rings are inside, right?"

"Yes, and they're beautiful."

"Let me see." I smiled before trying to grab the bag and he quickly shoved it behind his back. "Babe, really?"

"It's a surprise." He smiled back. "The bride and groom want the design to be a secret until later on. Promise me that you won't try to take a peak."

I sighed before pouting. "I promise."

"Show me your hands. Your fingers aren't crossed, right?"

I laughed before putting my hands out for him to hold. "I promise that I won't look."


I leaned in closer to kiss him and smiled against his lips. "I love you."

"I love you more."

We drove about two hours to the wedding destination and checked into the hotel before going up to our room. After a few hours, we got ready for the rehearsal dinner and went to the restaurant. Everyone that was there for the wedding showed up and gave little toasts before beginning to eat and mingling.

"Y/n. Shoto." We turned to look at Shoto's grandparents approaching us and we smiled before greeting each other. "I'm happy to see you both again." Said his grandmother Chieko.

"And finally together, like you were always meant to be." Said his grandfather Kohei.

"It's good to see you two again." I smiled at them. "And you both still have very strong opinions about Shoto and I. We appreciate the support."

"Ah. She's speaking for you too. She's already acting like your wife."

"When can we expect your marriage?" Chieko asked. "You're the only sibling left besides- you know who."

"Please stop." Shoto awkwardly laughed before approaching them. "I'll be right back." He said to me before pulling his grandparents away from me. I quietly laughed before heading to talk to Makoto's side of the family instead until Shoto came back to join me.

The next day, the big event was finally here. Fuyumi's wedding day and all the bridesmaids got together before getting breakfast for us, the bride and the mothers. We ate together before heading downstairs to the dressing room and changing into our dresses.

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