❄️The Night Before🔥

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"Wakey wakey." I said before jumping into Shoto's bed. We were a few days into spring break and although I thought we'd get some down time to destress; we had to attend our work studies every single day. "Wake up!" I yelled before shooting cold air at his face.

He groaned before slowly opening his eyes to look at me. "I miss the old days." Said Shoto. "When you woke me up peacefully." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms; forcing me to lay down with him.

"Shoto~ We don't have time for this!" I whined. "You slept through all five of your alarms."

"Our work study is with my dad. He can wait."

"Babe, I'm going downstairs without you and I won't be making you any breakfast if I don't see you changed and sitting at the dinner table."

"Don't be so harsh!" He whined before letting me go and sitting up. I smiled before getting up and leaning close to wipe his eye boogers.

"... Maybe you're becoming too comfortable."

"You eat me, I eat you, we fuck each other. Eye boogers are no big deal. Get ready." I quickly left the room and rushed into mine before changing into my school uniform. I put on some light makeup to cover the bags under my eyes and grabbed my bag with my hero suit inside. I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal before sitting down with the others. The exhaustion they felt was clear on most of their faces. I watched as Koda yawned, which led to Yaoyorozu yawning and a few more of us followed.

"Hit me." Shoto sat next to me and laid his chin on my shoulder. He had his eyes closed and used me as support to keep his body up.

"Hit you?"

"Cold wind. Do it again."

"Why can't you do it?"

"It's more effective when you do it." I sighed before doing it again until he stopped me. "Thanks." He smiled before kissing my shoulder. "... Where's the breakfast you promised me?"

"Technically, I never promised you breakfast and we were running late. I wouldn't have had enough time to make something and clean after."

"So, you made me get up for nothing?"

"Hey, cereal isn't nothing. Now, go grab yourself a bowl of whatever you feel like eating." I cheerfully smiled and watched him sigh before doing what he was told.

"Everyone! Let's quickly finish up so we can leave!" Yelled Iida before running to wash the dishes he used. We all quickly finished up and walked to the front gates together.

"Man, even though it's spring break, I can't believe we have work study on all our days off." Whined Mina.

"It says our work study this time is an expeditionary operation." Said Uraraka. We all began checking our phones to see the same vague description of the work study to come.

"Could we all be doing the same thing?" Asked Sato. "Does that mean something bad is about to happen?"

"You think so?!" Mineta yelled nervously. "For them to give us all the same mission... Don't tell me we're facing the league!"

I listened to all of them panic and began drifting into my own thoughts. Are we facing the league? If so, will I be facing Dabi? I didn't want to. At least not with him. Not with someone I kind of cared about. We all split up and walked to our work study locations. Shoto, Bakugo, Modoriya and I went to Endeavors agency and right when we walked in, Burnin walked up to us. "You're here! We're joining a meeting in the conference room. Follow me!" We followed her into the conference room to see every hero under Endeavors agency, joining in. We took our seats and waited for Endeavor to speak.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now