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After a few days, the interior designer was finally done with my condo and I started moving my stuff in. When I was done and felt like it was complete, I invited all of 1A and Shoto's family for a housewarming. Katsuki was fulfilling his boyfriend duties by helping me set up and prepare food and drinks, but he kept acting weird. "Am I miscounting?" I asked as I kept looking at the plates and cups for dinner.

"Yea. You keep missing two."

I counted again and looked at the list of people who were coming. "No. You keep adding two."

"I'm not."

"Babe, look at the list."

"I don't need to... My parents are coming to meet you."

I felt my stomach drop and quickly stared at him in shock. "... Why would you keep that a secret?"

"I just didn't know how to tell you. I've never done this before."

"Never done what?"

"Introduced my parents to a girlfriend. My mom's an asshole, but I figured if anyone could handle it, it would be you."

"Oh. You think she'd bully me?"

"More like, I think she'd talk shit about me, but you know me and won't let her influence you."

"I see."

"You should also know that I told Todoroki about us. I said it's official, so that might come up tonight... or at your appointment tomorrow morning."

I whined before dramatically falling to the floor. "I can't believe you."

"Up. We're not done." He grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet to continue setting up. After a few hours, people started arriving with gifts in hand and I made sure to direct everyone towards the beverage table that had water, juice and wine displayed. I soon saw Katsuki open the door for a blonde haired woman and brown haired man. I could immediately tell they were his parents and I took a deep breath before approaching. "Guys, this is my girlfriend y/n."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled before bowing.

"Nice to meet you too. You can call me Masaru." His father smiled back and reached for a handshake. I quickly shook his hand and looked at his wife.

"You can call me Mitsuki." She also smiled before shaking my hand. "I never thought this day would come. I've seen your posts and the photoshoot of you two, but I was afraid my son would keep you away from us forever. Can I steal you away for a few minutes?"

I looked up at Katsuki and watched him nod. "Sure."

"We also brought you wine. Masaru, leave it with the other gifts." She held onto my arm and we walked away and upstairs to talk privately. "Tell me about yourself. I remember that you went to U.A. You were in my sons class, weren't you?"

"I was. I'm not sure if you remember this, but my face was pretty much everywhere back then."

"Yea. You were kidnapped, but I don't really want to ask you about all of that. I'm sure you've talked about it enough. What I really want to know about is your relationship with my son. You know that he's a hothead, right? He's a bit psychotic."

I slowly smiled before laughing and nodding. "Yea, I know. I like that about him."

"He's also rude and mean."

"I know that too, but he's usually nice to me. He helps me whenever I need it and takes care of me really well."

"Hun, you don't need to lie to me. I'm his mother. I know him."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now