❄️ Gossip! 🔥

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In the morning, I went to my room, grabbed my towel and washed up. After changing, I went downstairs to see everyone already awake and making breakfast. I made eye contact with Todoroki before walking towards him, but everyone watched us.

"How's the happy couple?!" Ashido grinned.

"How's the happy couple?!" Ashido grinned

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"Feeling good." I shyly smiled.

Right then, Mr Aizawa walked in with a bouquet of flowers. He walked up to me and handed them to me. "Those arrived for you at the front." He walked away and Todoroki walked up to me.

"When did you have time to order me flowers?" I asked him as a smile grew on my lips.

"I didn't..." He awkwardly replied.

"Is this a love triangle?!" Hagakure yelled.

"There's a card." Jiro pointed out.

I grabbed the card attached to the bouquet and opened it. "To my future daughter in law. Sincerely Endeavor."

Todoroki sighed and anxiously rubbed the temples of his head. "What's wrong with him?" I shrugged and felt him kiss my forehead. I could see everyone around us freaking out and I just blushed. "I start Hero license classes today. I'll be leaving soon, but can you wait for me to come back? We can go for a walk later." I nodded and watched him go upstairs.

"You guys are so cute together." Uraraka squealed. "Why'd it take me so long to see it?!"

"We're blind!" Hagakure whined. "There has been a connection there since the beginning!"

"I just thought you two were friends because of your quirks." Jiro added.

"Sorry to eavesdrop, but how does your relationship work?" Kaminari asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, feeling confused.

"He's conservative and you're not. Aren't your personalities clashing?"

"I like to say that I bring him out of his shell."

"What kind of stuff do you do together?" Mineta interrupted. "I mean, has he touched your b-?"

I kicked Mineta away from us, once I realized what he was asking.

"But seriously." Uraraka continued. "He's really quiet and conservative. Is he the same way with you in private?"

I slowly smirked and chuckled. "Girls, follow me to my room."

"What about me?!" Kaminari whined.

"You can't come."

I quickly led the girls to my room and we all sat on the floor.

"Why is this a secret from the boys?" Asui asked.

"Because I don't want what I tell you to get back to Todoroki." I responded back. "Raise your hand if you've kissed a boy before."

They all panicked and looked flustered.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now