❄️Coming Clean🔥

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A few days had passed and winter break was almost over. Shoto and I were doing great, but Mineta did end up telling the other guys about what Shoto said. Like guys usually do, they started seeing Shoto in a new light. He wasn't just Todoroki-kun to them anymore. He was "The man" or the guy the boys aspired to be like. I still wanted to talk to him about Dabi before school started. I just felt like things would only get harder the more I put it off. I walked up to him as he was sitting on the couch with the other guys, probably talking about sex stuff, which is what they really wanted to talk to him about nowadays. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked him, but the guys around him started ooh-ing as if he was in trouble. He wasn't, as long as he didn't tell them about all the thing's we've done.

"Sure." Shoto replied, but he looked nervous. I took his hand and led him to my room. When we went in, we sat down and I sighed deeply, which I think only made him more nervous. "The guys told me that that phrase always results in a break up. I won't accept it. You can't break up with me. Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it."

"No. I don't want to break up with you... I've been keeping this secret and I feel like if I don't tell you now, I'll never be able to."

"Why did you keep it a secret? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I just didn't know how you'd react to this... Please just hear me out, no matter how crazy this sounds." He nodded and I huffed. "Every now and then, I talk to Dabi."

"Villain Dabi?"

"Yes. I said that Dabi helped me with my quirk when he kidnapped me and that he wasn't all that bad, but everyone thought I was crazy. Especially when they saw the Dabi doll that I had and have hidden in my room because people just misunderstand and-."

"Is this a joke? I don't understand why you're telling me about him."

"I'm gonna get to that."

"Did something happen when you were with him?"

"Well, kinda. I realized something-."

"Were you cheating on me with him or something?"

I quickly furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. "What? No."

"Did you fall in love with him? Why do you still talk to him?"

"Shoto, I- I love you. Why would you think that I fell in love with him? I wouldn't be here if I did."

"Unless you joined the league and are feeding them information."

"... You really think I'd do that? Betray everyone that I care about?"

"I don't know what to think!" He unexpectedly yelled, causing my stomach to drop. I didn't think the conversation would go in this direction. Not about me being in the league. "What am I supposed to think about my girlfriend still talking to the villain that kidnapped her?!"

"You're jumping to conclusions and won't even let me say what I wanted to tell you."

"Then tell me!"

"... No. You're being fucking rude."

"Y/n... What do you want to tell me?"

"We can talk about this tomorrow."

"You said that if you didn't tell me now, you might never tell me. What is it? Did he get you fucking pregnant?!"

"What?!" I yelled in disbelief. "If I said that I didn't have sex with him, then how the hell could I be pregnant?!"

"I don't fucking know! You aren't telling me what's on your mind, so I'm trying to guess! I'm not a mind reader!"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now