The Morning After

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I looked up to make eye contact with Yaoyorozu and I quickly sat up and covered myself. She walked out of the room and I quickly followed her with the blanket around me. "Yaoyorozu, I'm sorry that you saw that. We should've locked the door. That's totally our fault."

"Are you serious right now?" She angrily said before stopping and turning around. "You're a whore. You slept with two guys at the same time."

"... I'm a person with sexual desires." I said while glaring at her.

"God! Why couldn't you stay away?"

"Like me staying away was working so well for you. I've been gone for years and you still aren't dating Shoto. Not continuously at least."

"Because he's still so obsessed with you. I don't understand why he can't let you go. You broke his heart and you don't deserve him. I'm in this constant loop and you keep appearing in some form."

I slowly approached her and stood close to her face. "Maybe because we weren't meant to break up. We obviously still have chemistry and I've healed from my trauma. Maybe I'll give this relationship thing another go."

"Stay away from him. He's mine."

"He was mine first." She punched me and I tackled her to the ground as we began screaming and fighting. We grabbed onto each other's hair and began pulling. "Did you forget what his brother put me through?! I was kidnapped and tortured and you're saying I don't deserve him because of how I broke his heart?!"

"Of course I remember! It was the worst year at U.A for all of us! He's not his brother and he didn't deserve your cold shoulder and you abandoning him for America!"

"Hey! Get off of each other!" Shoto yelled as he and Katsuki rushed in, in their boxers. They each grabbed one of us and made us let go of each other. "What the fuck is going on here?!" Shoto said while grabbing onto her. I looked at her and we continued glaring at each other.

"Why the hell do you still see him as the victim in all of this?!" I yelled at her. "I was the one who was beat, cut and left in my own piss and shit for a month in that room! Why does he get your sympathy just because I needed time to heal on my own?!"

"We were all victims!" She screamed. "You abandoned all of us! You know what happened after and you must've realized who's no longer around!... Sorry if I don't feel sorry for you anymore. Plus, you're doing pretty fucking great with your life in America. You're famous, loved by everyone and you're fucking all the A-list celebrities. There's no reason for you to come here and mess up everyone's lives."

I sat on the floor and rubbed my face in frustration before looking up at her. "I'm sorry for not being here for all of that. I just couldn't. I almost killed Dabi. I stabbed him and wanted to leave him there to bleed, but I couldn't do that to Shoto and his family... I needed help because I almost became a murderer. Shoto was there to watch me do that to his brother. If I returned without getting that help, I know it in my soul that I would've eventually killed someone and I don't even know if I was fucked up enough to enjoy it."

"... I had no idea. I didn't know that it was you who caught Dabi."

"We called Endeavor and he took the credit so that I wouldn't get into trouble."

"I'm sorry about that... but that doesn't change the way I feel about you and him."

"... Thinking about it now, we weren't really close when I went to U.A. I think you've always been jealous because you liked him and I had him. I bet you even hoped we'd break up permanently after that little scandal before Christmas." I chuckled before getting up and getting in her face. "All you're doing is motivating me to stay."

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