❄️Team Battle🔥

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Soon enough, a few days had passed by and I was always too busy or tired to talk to Shoto. When I went down for dinner, I heard arguing and saw a crowd around the new sign up sheet. "You can't do that. We all want to borrow her." Argued Sero.

"I already signed up for three whole days. There aren't any rules on the sheet." Said Shoto.

"It's an obvious rule that you're supposed to take turns!" Yelled Mineta.

"No it's not. The rules are, if your name is on the time slot, then you get her for that time. Am I wrong?"

"But Todoroki. That isn't fair to the rest of us." Said Yaoyorozu.

"I don't care about what's fair or not." He furrowed his eyebrows at her and looked at the others. "She's my girlfriend, my name is on the list for three days and I intend on getting those three days!"

"Y/n!" Yelled Jiro, making me startled when everyone turned to look at me. "He wants you for three whole days. Aren't you gonna deny the request?"

I quietly walked up and grabbed the list to see what he wrote. It said that he wanted me to clean his room for those three days, but I knew that wasn't true. "Approved." I said, making everyone whine. "Just sign up for the rest of the week." I walked away and looked back to see Shoto staring. The next day after school, I went to the dorms and showered before meeting up with Shoto. He took me to his room and pulled me onto his bed before sitting down.

"I'm sorry about our argument. It was a sensitive topic, but I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." He apologized while holding my hand.

"No, I'm sorry. I knew it was a sensitive topic and I knew you'd be alarmed by what I said, so I shouldn't have even brought it up."

"... Let's just forget about it, okay?" I looked up at him before nodding.

I held his face and kissed his forehead. "Let's not talk about it anymore. I just missed you so much."

"Then hug me already." He slightly pouted. I smiled before jumping into his lap and hugging him. He smiled before hugging me back and laying us down so we could cuddle. "... What happened between you and your mother?"

"... She left and went to the U.S. I was really angry at her because she felt like a real mother for a while, but that's over."

"I'm sorry."

I turned to look at him and held his face. "Don't be. I'm not even that upset anymore. I'm used to it." It looked like he still felt bad for me, so I just cuddled into his chest. As we laid there, I felt sleepy and started dozing off. I was able to take a nap for the first time in a while and felt rejuvenated when I woke up.

The next day at school, we prepared for our hero training class with Aizawa and Midnight. We were all partnered up and luckily, we were able to choose our partners. As I turned towards Shoto, my name was called and I turned back around to look at Uraraka. "Y/n! I was hoping we could partner up together. We haven't been partners since right after the internships." She smiled at me innocently and I smiled back before nodding. I looked at Shoto to see him staring at me before leaving to partner up with Midoriya.

"Okay." Began Aizawa. "Now that you're all partnered up, I'd like to introduce you to our special guests and your villains for today."

My eyes widened as I watched Ice Queen in full hero suit speed towards us with Endeavor flying behind her. "W-What are they doing here?!" I stuttered, feeling surprised to see her so soon and surprised to just see Endeavor volunteering. I looked at Shoto to see that he looked annoyed.

"Thank you for having us." My mom smiled... What the fuck?

"Now let's explain today's game!" Yelled Midnight. "Today's goal is to capture our villains in any way we can before the ten minute time runs out. Sounds easy enough."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now