His Favorite

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In the morning, I felt the bed move and turned to look at him. "I'll be at work all day today." I nodded and watched him grab his things before leaving the room. I worried about him after our conversation. I worried about hurting his feelings and about him pushing himself to pull double shifts while I was here. I know that he took days off to spend time with me, but he pulled double shifts to make sure he was still caught up at work. He usually got home hungry and exhausted when he did that.

I soon fell asleep again and woke up around noon to my phone buzzing. "Hello?"

"Y/n. When the hell are you coming back?" My mother asked on the other side of the phone. "I'm fine with you dating Dynamight, but you need to get back here if you want to keep climbing the charts."

"I know, I know. I'll book a flight soon."

"You better. I've had to call Endeavor about your long stay. He's had an assistant keeping me up to date with all things you."

"Why would you call him?"

"Me and him are still on good terms and I needed someone to keep an eye on you."

"Okay mom, I'll talk to you later." I hung up and rolled out of bed. I ate breakfast after washing up and texted Shoto to see if he was free. He had just gotten off of his early morning shift and invited me back to his place. I changed before heading over and watching him answer the door. I walked in and smiled before hugging him. "When are you showing me your studio?"

"It's in a spare room upstairs. We can check it out now." I nodded before being led to the studio and when we walked in, I looked at some of his hanging pieces. There was a lot.

"What's this?" I asked while pointing to a beautiful landscape painting.

"I painted that after returning from a mission in Greece. I saw it once and it was burned into my memory for a bit."

"... And this one?" I pointed to a portrait of Yaoyorozu. It looked just like her and resembled the style of the Mona Lisa. Did he really not love her?

"I was working on painting people. It's good, but I could use more practice. I have a hard time catching emotion. They all look so serious."

"Maybe work on the background, poses and lighting."

"What do you know about paintings?" He chuckled. "You're a dancer."

"Dance can capture emotions, just like paintings. I can see what paintings here are embedded with emotions... Like that one." We both approached a painting of a traditional Japanese home. It was dark and the lines were messy and pointed downwards. "It almost looks like it's fading. Fading into the darkness, like a memory."

"Tell me you remember that place." I curiously looked at him before looking at the painting again. It did look vaguely familiar. "It's my summer home. The one we spent time in when you went to U.A."

"Oh." I turned to look at him again and nervously asked another question. "It's a really good piece... Why did you paint it?"

"... There was a weekend where I took Momo there for some privacy, before buying this house. I had already started painting and I had been uninspired for a while... We only stayed there for a bit, but I couldn't stop thinking about you while I was there with her." It felt like my chest had lightly tightened. Looking into his eyes at that moment made my body heat up.

"Shoto, Katsuki and I are gonna start dating a bit more seriously, but not exclusively."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm still really attracted to you and we tend to get carried away. I just want you to know that there's another person involved."

"Y/n." He huffed. "You're driving me crazy. Do you want to keep me at a distance while dating him or not?"

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